Part 4: Nightfall

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"Angels?" I repeated after him. The word stalled in my mind as I processed the thought. He stared straight at me, waiting for my response.

"Are angel?" I asked tentatively.

"I am," he answered with no hesitation.

I was at a loss at how to let the news sink in. After seeing him appear infront of me in the park earlier, I remembered the veil of light vanishing from behind him. I realized now that they were shaped like wings. As the memory surfaced, I knew that without a doubt, he was telling the truth.

"But, you can do all sorts of stuff. Sit on chairs, hold cups, even drink coffee!" I choked out.

"Well, angels can do that. The only catch is that we have to do everything carefully."

"You mean there are more angels roaming around on earth right now?"

"Yeah, there are, but you can't see them. Normally, they can only be seen by the first person that they appear in front of," he looked straight at me. "You weren't supposed to see me at the park."

Just then, a series of ear-splitting knocks came from the direction of the door. I jumped out of my chair and saw Tatiana rapping at the door while shouting, but her words were smothered by the thick glass.

"Tatiana!" I rushed to the door and unlocked it as fast as I could.

She stormed into the café, her face flushed red by both the cold and her irritation. "Why did you lock the door? Did you want me to freeze outside?" she thundered.

I winced and leaned back a little. "I'm sorry. I did it without thinking."

Like bullets from a gun, she prattled on with questions. "Did you get all the cleaning done? Did you wash all the equipment? Where's Lindy?"

"I got all the cleaning done, same with the equipment, and Lindy finished her tasks and left already," I replied in one breath.

"Really?" she walked over to a table and checked it, brushing over the tabletop with her fingertips.

As she went around the room for inspection, I inched back to Winter's table and used my body to cover the empty coffee cup. With one hand, I gripped the handle and took the plate with my other.

"Hmm..." Tatiana passed by without noticing Winter or what I was hiding behind me. Now that she had nothing to critique, she just stood and glared at me sharply. "I guess the cleaning is SATISFACTORY. You may leave now."

"Thank you!" I beamed at her and jerked to my right in eagerness, losing grip on the cup. A deafening crash filled every crevice of the café, and I froze as the cup I was hiding became a pile of broken shards a few feet away.

At snail's pace, I raised my head to face Tatiana. As expected, her expression was nothing close to thrilled. Her eyes were aflame, and had only plain fury in them.

  "MY CUP!" she screeched.

  "Sorry!" I squealed and panicked, only to drop the plate on the floor as well. A second crash echoed the first, and I could only think of one thing.

  Oh god, I am done for.

"Caroline." I've never heard Tatiana's voice so low and gravelly.

"Yes?" I squeaked out, afraid to hear the rest.


  Within a second, my apron was tore off me and I was propelled out the door. At the same time, my jacket was thrown out after me, landing right in my arms. I watched as Tatiana slammed the door, leaving me agape and standing in the freezing air.

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