Prologue 🥀

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Portland, Oregon

The city was nestled within the mountains and forest - the perfect place for various Wesen to live.

Briar hadn't been off the European continent for years, and this was her first time to North America. So far, she was impressed. It was certainly a change of scenery from the castle she was used to. And who knew how long she would be staying. The main thing was that she was far away from home, far away from her family. Being on both the run and the hunt meant reaching out into uncharted and uncertain territory.

The taxi dropped her off downtown as requested, and she dashed into the first coffee shop she saw. The flight had made her hungry.

She sat in her booth for one sipping her coffee and eating her sandwich, catching bits and pieces of the news from the television against the wall. She couldn't hear it very well over the chatter of the customers and staff in the café, but by the looks of it the Portland Police Department was being interviewed about a recent case they had successfully closed.

She wasn't all that interested in watching the news - that is, until she saw him. 

A man stepped up to the podium to speak and when he did she spluttered, nearly spitting out her coffee.


She stared hard at the screen, making sure it wasn't just her mind playing tricks on her - she had even taken a vial of potion to combat the jetlag of crossing time zones. No, no mistake. It was him.

It was him. She could hardly believe it. What were the odds that they would separate for years only to end up in the same city half a world away?  A face she hadn't seen in so long, one she hadn't expected to see again. Certainly not here. Looked like he had fled far away from his family as well.

So the rumor was indeed true: there was in fact a royal right here in Portland. And now she knew who it was. That made her investigation easier. Unless there was more than one, but that seemed unlikely. Unlikely, but not impossible.

"Is there anything else I can get for you?" the waitress came by to clear her dishes away. She caught Briar staring at the screen. "The police just wrapped up a murder case - or should I say another murder case."

"Lots of crime in the area?"

"It seems to be going up, unfortunately. However, we've clearly got a reliable Police Force. Led by a very dreamy Captain." The waitress nodded to the screen.

"Him?" Briar nodded to Sean, who, according to the words along the bottom of the screen, was indeed the Police Captain. Somehow that just seemed fitting. 

 The waitress nodded. Briar shrugged, her eyes flitting back to the screen for just a moment. "He's not my type, really."

"Not mine either, but let's just say that if he asked me out, I'd totally go. I like your hair by the way."

"Thank you." Briar ran her fingers through the curly blue locks.

"Anything else or just the check?"

"Just check please."

"Coming right up."

"Thank you."

The waitress left and while she was gone, Briar snuck another glance up at the screen.  Sean was gone from the scene now. But he had been there.  He was here.

The waitress returned a few minutes later with her bill.  "So, how long are you staying in town for?"

"Not sure yet," Briar admitted.  It had never been for certain, and now it was definitely up in the air, thanks to some highly interesting newly-obtained information.  "My plans have changed now." 

Well, now she knew where she had to go. Uncertain territory indeed. 

(Once upon a time... And so it begins! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this little introduction! :))

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