Zwei (Two) 🥀

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"A Grimm and a human?" Briar regarded the two men.  Then she turned to the captain.  "They're who you're working with?"

"And several Wesen. And humans.  And at least a couple of other Grimms. Sergeant Wu is in the loop now too, but we're still in the early stages of introducing him to everything. His first Wesen was an Aswang, so-"

"Oh, yikes."  She winced.  "Poor guy."

"Yeah, it's been pretty hard on him."


"Yes, understandably." 

"Well, what an interesting and exciting arrangement it is you've got going here." Her eyes shone.  "Now I'm even more intrigued."

"So what kind of Wesen are you?" asked Hank.

"I'm a witch."

"A witch?" he repeated. 


He and Nick exchanged a glance.  "So do you woge?"

"No. But I can do this-" A burst of blue flame-like energy appeared in her palm.

"Well damn. What else can you do? Do you do?"

"We really don't have time for a whole power display," cut-in Sean, cutting off Briar just before she could launch into an answer.   "Later, I promise," he added to his friend's look of disappointment. 

"Fine," she pouted.  "As long as you promise."

"I promise."

"Are witches really considered Wesen?" Nick asked.

"To some. And to others, not.  To some, definitely not. Not at all. They take offence to it. It's gotten pretty ugly over the centuries."

"I can imagine. Are witches afraid of Grimms?" She hadn't seemed too concerned.

She shrugged. "Depends."

 "Do Grimms usually hunt witches?"

"Only if they knew they were witches.  Many Grimms assisted with the witch hunts and trials back in the day, believing they had some Wesen blood in them, or that they were the cause of Wesens."

"Okay. Wesenrein?"

"You know your history."

"I do. And we've had our own run-in with them."

She winced.  "Not fun."

"Not at all."

"I like them," she told Sean, nodding to Nick and Hank.  "So who else is involved?" she asked. 

"A Fuchsbau. A Blutbad. Another Grimm, and another human."

"Hmm. Very interesting indeed."

"So how do you two know each other?" Nick asked, nodding between her and the captain. 

"You ask a lot of questions."

"Detectives, it's part of the job."

"True." The two in question exchanged a glance before Briar answered. "We were childhood friends. We were both isolated children - I come from a royal family as well."

"Are you also a bastard child?"

"No, but I might as well be to some of my relatives. They don't approve of my being a witch - as if I could help it." 

"Are you also a Hexenbeast?"

Something flashed in her eyes - something dangerous - and Nick almost regretted asking. "No." Her tone was cold.

"Sorry, I didn't mean any offence. Just curious, cause we've dealt with some Hexenbiest witches before."

"So have I. Not a fun experience."

"Yeah, you could say that. Are you with the Resistance?"

"The Laufer? No, not exactly, not officially. I have worked with Resistance members before, Meisner, Sebastien, Sean here. But I am against the Families, so I suppose you could say I'm my own resistor. But then I heard they were helping Adalind Schade, and I wanted nothing to do with that."

Nick and Hank exchanged another glance before looking at the Captain.  "You know Adalind Schade?"

"Not personally, but I've encountered her too much for my liking.  She's responsible for this." She pulled down the collar of her shirt to reveal a dark scar on the skin over her collar bone. 

"Yikes, what is that?"

"One family making an example to another, showing who is boss. Adalind Schade turned me in, made it public that I was a witch, and Prince Eric had me branded."

"I'm sorry," said Nick.  "We know how difficult Adalind can be, to put it lightly."

"Thank you, but I'll be fine. As long as I never have to see that bitch again."

The detectives shared another lingering glance. They wished the same, but what were the chances? 

"I'm glad we could have this meeting," Sean stepped in, moving their attention away from everyone's favourite Hexenbiest.  "Briar, I have to discuss work with the detectives now."

"No worries, I'll get out of your hair. Nice to meet you - officially. I'm glad we're on the same page." She winked at them before exiting the office.

As soon as she was gone, Nick turned to the Captain. "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you haven't told her about-"

"Diana, no." Sean shook his head. 

"It's really not our business, but you might want to mention that," added Hank.  "And sooner rather than later. She clearly has a lot of opinions on the mother of your child."

"Yes." Sean sighed.  "Don't we all.  I am glad to have her here, but this has all gotten far more complicated."


"How are you settling in as intern?" Sean asked Briar at the end of the day. 

"Good. The sergeants were helping me get up to speed on all the police lingo."

"That's good.  How would you like to have dinner?"

"I'd love dinner."

"With me?"

"I'd like that too."

He chuckled.  "Good, so would I. And I know just the place."

"Sehr gut."

"And I'd like to offer for you to stay with me instead of at the hotel."

"Well aren't you kind."

"It's the least I can do for my old friend who's visiting."

"Very well then-" She gave a sweep of her arm.  "Lead the way, Captain."

(Thank you so much for the 100+ reads already! And sorry for the delay - I was so excited to start this story but I haven't finished the show yet, so I'm still making things up as I go! But I think I finally decided where this fits into the show: the start of season 4! So Trubel has left to help Josh (but she will be back cause I really like her!), Adalind and the Royals are in Portland, Adalind is still searching for Diana, and Juliette is just starting to deal with her new Hexenbiest powers.  

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2021 ⏰

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