Eins (One) 🥀

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"I will say that it's kinda nice to be working on some non-Wesen related cases," Hank admitted to Nick as the two detectives entered the precinct, coffees in hand, ready to start  the day.

"The good old days?"

"Sure. At least when things seemed kinda normal."

"True.  Now this is the new normal."

"Sill don't think I'll ever fully be used to it."

"I don't blame you. Whereas I don't really have a choice," Nick reminded him. 

"Wow," the two men breathed when they entered the offices, unable to miss the grand bouquet of red roses displayed in a vase in the centre of the room.   

"It's not Valentines Day, is it?" joked Hank.  "Sure hope not."

"It's August," said Nick.

"That's what I thought."

"Nice, aren't they," said Wu, joining them, along with an unfamiliar woman, as unmissable as the roses with her blue hair.  "Courtesy of our new intern, who I would like you to meet." He turned to the woman. "My colleagues, Detectives Burkhardt and Griffin." 

"Hallo," the woman said with a thick German accent.  

"Hi. Detective Nick Burkhardt."

"Detective Hank Griffin."

"Hallo. Nice to meet you both. Briar Rosenberg." She shook their hands, giving them both a big smile. 

Hank caught the look that passed over Nick's face - he knew that look. He had grown quite accustomed to it. The Grimm look.

"I'm glad you like the roses."

"Yeah, love 'em," said Nick.

"I'm glad."

"Sir, meet our new intern," Wu said as the captain emerged from his office, files in hand. Looking up from the files, he appeared to do a double take when he saw the woman, Briar.

"Oh, hello," he said, sounding almost uncertain. Hank and Nick exchanged a glance - there was very little, they knew, which could crack the captain's stern demeanor.  

"Hallo, Captain. It is nice to meet you."


They stood staring at each other, holding hands for a beat too long for it to not be noticeable. As though they were held under some sort of spell.

They dropped hands.  Sean cleared his throat.  "Well, welcome aboard."

"Thank you, I'm looking forward to it."

"New intern everyone!" Wu called out, and everyone clapped, and the 'spell' was broken.

She gave a little bow in return for the applause. 

"Did she do the Woge thing?" Hank asked.  "You've got that look, the Grimm look - that and I'm just expecting it from everyone we deal with now." So much for those 'good old days' they had just been talking about. 

"No, she didn't." Now Nick looked confused.  "But I got the same sense from her that I do when others Woge, only she didn't Woge."

"Huh." Hank joined Nick in looking confused. "Think you'll find something about that in your books?"

"Who knows."

The two detectives sat down at their adjoining desks, ready to start the day, albeit now a little distracted. 


Sean spent the whole day sneaking glances at the new intern, and found that when he did, they would meet gazes briefly - or not so briefly. She had been sneaking glances at him throughout the day as well. 

When he headed into his office to gather his things and lock up for the night, he sensed a presence there with him - this was confirmed and made evident by the shadowy figure sitting in his chair, their feet up on the desk. And judging by the strong fragrance in the room, it became evident that the bouquet of roses had been moved into his office as well.

"Hallo, Sean."

"Bonjour, Briar. You surprised me, showing up here."

"I know. I do always love a good surprise."

"Yes, you do." He approached the desk, meanwhile she stood and approached him from the other side. 

He being significantly taller than her, she jumped up into his arms, he catching her and pressing her against his chest in a crushing hug.  "Hallo mein Freund," she murmured against his chest in her native tongue. "I have missed you."


"Could I see you two in my office for a moment, please," Sean requested as he passed by Nick and Hank's desk. By the low tone of his voice, they could tell that this was Wesen related.

"So much for those good old days," sighed Hank.

"Yeah," Nick agreed as they followed the captain into his office. 

When they arrived they were surprised to find Briar, the new intern, already standing in the office, hands in her pockets, grinning at them.  She gave a little wave as they entered the room. Sean closed the door behind them. 

"Sir?" questioned Nick.

"Gentlemen, I know that you've already met my old friend posing as our new intern," began Sean.

The two detectives shared a glance.  "Well this just got interesting," remarked Hank. 

"Indeed." The captain then nodded to Nick.  "Particularly interesting for you. There's a new kind of Wesen in town."

(Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :))

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