Just another day

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The bell rang as Noah walked into English. He wasn't quite late but this last week he'd really been pressing his luck. He wasn't especially great at school but he wasn't too bad either. He tried to maintain grades a bit above average but it was getting harder and harder as his dad dragged him in for more late nights helping at the cartel.
He didn't want anything to do with it he hadn't done anything wrong but he knew if he tried to desert or stopped contributing help his father wouldn't hesitate to end his life. It made him sick to his stomach just to think about it.

Olivia on the other hand had never even fought someone. she a nice, sweet, caring girl and most people knew her to be friendly and stay out of trouble. If you were to really interview anyone about her however you would find out that no one really knew much about her except for her top layer appearance.

Deep inside she had an immeasurable amount of passion and ambition to be something, to be someone. She just wanted to live life, she didn't seem like it but she loved to live for the thrill. But she felt like she was missing something or mabey it was someone...

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