No escape

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Noah was pulling his lunch out of his backpack when he suddenly found himself falling as he smacked down against the porcelain floor. "Hey I heard you and crew was up around our parts last night, know anything about that N?!" Said Ethan as he grabbed Noah's shirt and pinned him to the locker."No, No I sware I was just helping the Oliver with school at home yesterday. I don't want anything to do with this, I'm just trying to stay alive till graduation, then I can get the hell out of this town, and his gang." Noah said. " Well if I see you around our parts again you won't have to wait till graduation." Said Ethan as he made gun hands at Noah. He could hear him whispering "pew, pew" to himself as he walked down the hall. Noah rushed the other way and decided it was better to eat outside today. Everyone was staring at him after the commotion in the hall. As he burst outside it was pouring and no one else was outside. He didn't care though he didn't need any more faces staring at him either in pity or in fear. Everyone's eyes on him he could feel the disgust churning in his stomach because of what everyone thought he was. He just wanted to get away, to remove himself from all of this. As he was running through the grass he stopped along the side of the school wall. It was just all too much for him. He felt a wave of disgust rise up through him faster then he could control and he threw up in the grass.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2020 ⏰

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