7. Fear of loss

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Sotiris, full of anxiety, was biting his nails. "What was that for all of a sudden? Oh my God, please fix this..." He was waiting at a hospital named "St. Paul". His father had been struck by a heart attack and admitted to the emergency department.

The scariest of all was that it happened during their phone call. While they were talking normally, Mr Lambros suddenly broke down. Sotiris did a slapdash drive from his house to his father's and called for help on his way there. He had kept the key from his father's house just in case something extraordinary happened, which unfortunately did. When he opened the door of the house, he found his father lying on the armchair. His mind was immediately overrun by negative thoughts and he felt numb all over his body. His brain got insane, his stomach began to spin and his limbs couldn't help but quiver. He may not have got along with his father lately but he cared a lot about him and couldn't accept the fact that there was a possibility of losing him forever. Fortunately, within a few minutes the ambulance arrived and carried the feeble old man to the nearest hospital.

After a long time, which felt like a century, Sotiris saw a doctor coming towards him. At the exact moment that he tried to talk, he realised he was trembling.

"I-i-is he going to be o-o-okay, Doctor?" he stuttered.

"Are you Mr Anastasiades' son?"

"Ye-e-es, I am. Will he be alright?"

"He needs to rest, but he will be okay eventually," said the doctor.

Sotiris breathed a sigh of relief and a wave of gratitude deluged his soul. "Thank God!" he sighed. "Thank you very much, Doctor! Can I see him?"

"Not yet. We should let him rest for a while. You will be able to see him later", said the doctor and hurried away.


The weeks passed by but nothing special changed regarding Mary's and Sotiris' lives. As the winter was approaching, Mary was sinking deeper and deeper into depression. Sotiris took some time off work to take care of his father, whose health was fully restored in mid-December.

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