Can you stand the rain? ♡︎

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Hoseok looked out the window and focused onto the rain that trinkled down onto it. The rain that always calmed him down when he had nights like these. Nights that he genuinely despised.

He had once again gotten friend zoned by an oblivious Yoongi. He decided to declare his love and confess once again, but it ended up it ending as a bromance.

He wanted to cry, he wanted to rip and break apart whatever came in his view. He was angry, but he didn't cry. He didn't give into the vicious thoughts that came into his mind, yearning for him to obey.

This was the fifth time he had gotten rejected by Min Yoongi.

Hoseok hated that he couldn't man up and just confess properly, to make Yoongi shut up and let him tell him everything he felt about the elder, and to tell him it wasn't platonic. That it was a romantic attraction and he was deeply inlove with the Min Yoongi.

Hoseok bit his lip as he gripped his sweatpants into his balled up fists. "The fifth time.." His light airy voice breathed out and his soft pink lips started quivering as he remembered the confessions.

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