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Ordinarily, I wouldn't have cared, but born as a man, in the body of a child, I couldn't help but act differently.
I had lived with and grown fond of my now family. I had suckled my mother's breast and bathed in my father's breath.
Now I looked like them and smelt of them, but of all I have come to hate, I smiled sheepishly like my mother did .

I had to interfere, I had to act . Else these loving couple would die for a crime that I had in all rights commited.

It so happened that on the morning of the christening after having realised that it would be futile to attempt to change the course of the day, I resolved to have my soul leave its body right before the hour of immersion until after circumcisions had been completed and all other traditional rites fulfilled.

As I left the body, my lifeless body fell cold and my mother squealed in anguish and my father clutched his fist in raw pain.
The procession couldn't hold, a lifeless body couldn't be christened ..

It would've been so simple If that swindling, always lying and ill informed old scoundrel of a priest had not decided to lay his evil and grim hands upon my heads in the name of a deliverance!!
Out of hate for the skeleton like hands upon my head, I returned into the body and sneezed back to life . More than everyone present, big bad priest was bemused by his own feats.
But he soon found his voice and snatched a victory that was never his to claim. He shouted songs and chants of joy to a God who neither cares to listen nor answer but awaits his boilling in the pits of fire.
He compounded the situation when he declared he'd like to see the proceedings to the end and as a mark of gratitude and respect, my parents obliged. I don't blame them though, what did they know.

I left the body three other times after the first one, and by the fourth time of my demise, the foolish priest proclaimed loudly that if his god had brought me back the previous times, he definitely would not let me die just yet.
Tired of these leap and flee, I stayed in my body but instead with a loud voice like the roars of many waters an echo said " just what do you think I am? Some halfly demon child (abiku)? Do you think any of the gods in his right sense would dare to save whatever it is I have proclaimed to die. I have the power to send you to your lord, and that I shall do."

The fact that these words boomed across the hall wasn't a shocker to everyone present, but rather the manifestation of power and the fall that took place, almost immediately after, the priest fell and died.

And like that I got rid of the evil old man, evaded christening and got to stay in my own body.

My loving mother and bewildered father took me home to name me " AMOYE "

Sadly I soon discovered that I had lost something that at the time I had it, I hadn't valued not cherished.
With each of my death, my brain had suffered damage. I had suffered terrible and unamenable conditions: congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP), alexithymia, insomnia, and Alzheimer.

I had forgotten my sense of purpose, the thrill of adventure that set me on this journey, I no longer remember who I was. All I felt was a faint tug on my heart and an empty space longing to be filled with secrets I couldn't wrap my head around.

All I have now is what every new born child has, though mine is a little worse.

Now I have to live like every ordinary child would ....
I have resigned to my fate, empty and without a drag..

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