With our last step
We dance across this line
Into a new worldEvening shadows fall and it must follow
As the night the day
We wait for our given days and sleep
What days may come
As the sun must rise againDays like a flipped carnival
Where up is down and down is up
And life is mixed with death
Are what we must surviveIf I wake from dreamless sleep
May tomorrow begin like a dream♡♡♡
Dengan langkah terakhir kami
Kami menari melintasi garis ini
Ke dunia baruBayangan malam jatuh dan itu harus diikuti
Seperti malam hari
Kami menunggu hari-hari kami dan tidur
Hari apa yang akan datang
Saat matahari harus terbit kembaliHari-hari seperti karnaval terbalik
Dimana naik turun dan turun naik
Dan hidup bercampur dengan kematian
Apakah kami harus bertahan hidupJika aku bangun dari tidur tanpa mimpi
Semoga besok dimulai seperti mimpi♡♡♡
De Todo1, 2! Connect! Annyeong haseyo, ENHYPEN imnida! ^^ Berisi : + Info-info member ENHYPEN + Lirik lagu I-LAND + Lirik lagu ENHYPEN [EN-] ↔ ENHYPEN + ENGENE Hangul ✔ Romanization ✔ English ✔ Indo ✔ Ket: ● = Japanese Song [Start: 05-10-20] Vote and comme...