Chapter 5

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WARNING: Mention of homophobia, snapping at S/O

"I wanna show you something."

Janus turned his head from left to right, the black blindfold blocking most of his vision unless he looked straight down.

"Ah yes because I can see perfectly underneath this." He said sarcastically. Remus laughed and pulled at his hand.

"This way." Janus sighed.

"Why do I trust you?"

There was silence apart from the rustle of the autumn leaves. "Oh shit, forgot you couldn't see." Remus said suddenly. "I was shrugging." He explained. Janus let out a short burst of laughter.

"Can I take the blindfold off now?"

"No." Remus said resolutely, making Janus laugh again. He led Janus along winding gravel paths, pointing out where certain -as he called them- landmarks were.

"There's an oak tree here. And here's a little park bench. Ooh, and there's a memorial stone."

"Remus, why are you pointing this all out to me?" Janus asked, brushing one outstretched hand along the bark of passing trees.

"Because." Remus said and left it at that. He stopped suddenly and Janus walked into him. "Oh, sorry. Probably should've said when to stop."

"Whatever. Can I take the blindfold off now?"

"Almost." Remus said and Janus could hear the giggle at the back of his voice. "Nearly. Now."

Janus fumbled with the knot before getting the blindfold off and blinking in the sudden light. There was bright orange light filtering in from everywhere. Janus blinked again and realised he was standing in a weeping willow at sunset. The golden and orange shades of the setting sun filtered in through the dark browns and oranges of the leaves.

"Woah." Janus breathed.

"Tada." Remus grinned shyly.

"Rem, this place is amazing."

"Rem?" Remus asked. Janus jumped slightly and turned slightly red.

"Oh, sorry. I'll not call you that if you want. It just sorta... slipped out."

"No, it's fine." Remus said, still smiling shyly. "I kinda like it."

"Heya Jan."

Janus jumped and yet out a yell as Remus hung down by his head.

"How are you-?" Janus asked. Remus was hanging upside-down by knees and hands. He shrugged.

"I did gymnastics for a while when I was a little kid." He said nonchalantly. "Whatcha reading?"



"It." Janus repeated. "By Stephen King."

"Oh. Why?"

Janus shrugged. "Cause I enjoy the story? And identify with the characters?"

Remus flipped the right way up and jumped down, sitting down next to Janus in their little safe place, partly hidden by dying willow leaves.

"Which character d'you you identify with?" He asked, leaning his head on Janus' shoulder and looking at the book.

"You'll hurt your eyes if you do that." Janus said.

"But who?"

"Beverly Marsh, I guess."


Janus shrugged his free shoulder again. "Similar home life, I guess?"

"Jan?" Janus knew by Remus' tone that he was worried. "Are you sure your safe at home? First your dad being homophobic and now this."

"I'm fine Rem." Janus said, trying to pass off a cheery tone.

"No, you're not." Remus sat up properly and tilted his head to the side. Janus could tell his was studying him. "You've got this look about you." Remus said eventually. "And it's not always there, just when you're trying to hide something from someone."

"You're being ridiculous." Janus muttered, unhooking his hair from behind his ear and letting it fall in front of his face.

"Jan." Remus said quietly. Janus snapped his book shut, not bothering to mark his place, and glared at Remus.

"I'm perfectly fine, Rem, and I don't need you prying into my home life." He got up and stormed off and it would only be a couple of hours later when he felt safe to let the guilt through his walls.

*evil laugh*
I love angst. And no, I'm not sorry.

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