~chapter nine~

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Y/n and Five wake up in a bed together.  Y/n only wearing her bra and underwear, Five only wearing boxers.  Diego walks in and scoffs at the familiar sight.  He takes a picture of the two people sleeping. He takes a picture knowing he can use it as leverage on them. "Morninggg!" He says waking up they two people in the bed. "Go the fuck away!" Y/n says looking at Diego. She goes up exposing herself then flips back down onto the bed.

"What were you guys doing last night!?" He asks Five half way dreading the response. "I'm going to let you guess!" He says rolling his eyes and hugging Y/n. "This brings back too many memories," Diego scoffs and walks down the hall closing their door.  "What memories- oh," Y/n says making laugh.  "Only if we would get Allison to rumor him and make him forget.  But we will need to talk about everything," Y/n says.  "I mean it wasn't that bad you just made your arm bleed, I mean the uniform still has blood on it!" Five announces. She shushes him which makes him laugh. "Why'd you keep that outfit anyways?" He asks her. "Well it uhh reminded me of you." She says. "A little too much," Diego butts in. No one really knew how long he had been there for. "Shut up!" Y/n yells, making Five confused. "She cu..." he gets cut off by the girl in the bed who is thinking about tossing him into the wall across the hall.
"No! No!" He yells slightly scared on how hard Y/n plans to throw him into that wall. She just ends up slamming the door in his face. "Rude," he mumbles to himself from the other side of the door.

Five and Y/n hug in the bed. "Hey Y/n I- I see you are busy..."  Klaus says blushing at the awkward sight of his brother and Y/n in bed together. He looks at them for a few seconds longer to realize Y/n and Five done have shirts on. "Holy shit! Where are your guys' shirts!?" He asks half wanting to watch something freaky half wanting to leave. He leaves sad that he didn't get a show. "Y/n? I have a question. What did Diego mean by it reminded you of me too much?" Y/n thought back to that day when she sliced open her wrist. It was then a habit she had ever since. "I- uh... well," she stutters then gives up on talking. She shows Five her shredded wrists. "Oh my god! Y/n I'm sorry. Oh- oh my god," his going down into whispers. She nods knowing she does not deserve his pity.
"You guys sure did have fun last night," Allison says during breakfast.  "Mhmm yeah okay.  It's not like we heard you and Luther, I mean a special someone banging in the bathroom," Y/n argues back.  Everyone besides Allison and Luther are laughing.  "Haha yeah yeah really mature.  No wonder Diego and Klaus likes you the most." Luther says Five coughs, making him add on, "And Five."  Klaus gives off a drunken laugh and Diego gives off a light blush.  Everyone looks at Y/n to see if that statement was true she shrugs and returns to her yogurt.  "Why are you eating it with a baby spoon!?" Diego asks worried that she is turning into a Klaus.  "I don't know.  It was the only clean spoon I could find," she says gracefully enacting another spoon full of yogurt. 

"Anyone wanna play a game!?" Klaus asks hating the silence.  "Sure how about Truth or Dare!" Y/n says straightening her position her chair.  "Okay uhhh Y/n truth or dare?" Diego asks knowing exactly what he is going say.  "Dare." She says simple and blunt.  "I dare you to tell me who all of your ex's are," he says and Y/n takes a moment to think.  "Sorry Five!  But there is Jj, Will, Stanley, Henry, Fred, and uhh well Diego," she mumbles the last name everyone staring at Y/n in shock.  "You guys?" Klaus asks, and Y/n and Diego just nod.  "Spill," he says making everyone in the room laugh.  "Well when we first started dating, we were at a fair.  We went on a ride and I got so dizzy a started falling and shit.  I tripped over my ankle literally breaking it.  Diego catches me.  We have a moment, or whatever you want to call it and we kiss.  It's Akers yeah I know." Y/n stares at Five before returning her gaze to Diego and Klaus. 

Five gets up leaves.  Leaving only Klaus, Diego and Y/n playing Truth or Dare.  "Truth or dare Diego?" Klaus asks.  "I'll go dare I was one of a pussy anyways." He says.  "Okay well then uhh kiss Y/n like a full ten second kiss!" I says and Five spatial jumps into the room.  "No!" He says, "they are not kissing!" He tries to hold in the anger and jealousy in his voice but fails.  "Jealous much?  It's just one simple kiss that is a dare," Y/n says making Five tense up a bit.  "Okay fine do a small one though.  Because you two never turn dare a dare." He says knowing Klaus said ten seconds.  They do the kiss.  Klaus chanting for them to go all out.  When they pull away Five pulls Y/n in for a kiss who kisses back passionately. 
Five and Y/n go to a building to figure out something out.  "Why are we here?" Y/n asks as she goes into the car.  "We need to figure out who this eye belongs to," Five says taking the eye out of his pocket.  "Hmm okay!" Y/n says with a lot of energy.    They step out of the car, and go into a building.  When they walk in a doctor comes out.  The girl at the front desk looks confused on why two 13 year old kids are in the building.  "I have an eye, I want to know who it belongs to," Five says holding up the eye.  "I found it at a playground I want to know to it belongs to, it must've just popped out," Five says clicking his tongue before he says popped.  "Aww that's so nice," the lady at the desk says not hearing his sarcasm.  "Can you look up up who it belongs to? and I'll give it to the rightful owner," Five half asks half telling.  "That information is secured, that means I can't tell you," the man says but gets cut off by Five.  "Yeah I know what that means," Five says. 

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