Night Has Come - A Wolvish Lulluby

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Sleepy pup the night has come

The moon is high above our heads

And it is time to go to bed

Our day's been full

And sleep now pulls

So leave your other thoughts unsaid

Sleepy pup the night has come

Tell me goodnight and close your eyes

And I will sing this lullaby

I will guard you

While you sleep

This is a promise I will keep

Sleepy pup the night has come

The morning will follow soon


Droolet baeyina rab caliga par kath

Rab mauta ot bryj avorr ork kepabi

Ihnd eg ot chron lin mals lin breloa

Ork dantaya'r dyit blout

Ihnd droola imedit gely

Fai gowy woor alsit pondinabi koverby

Droolet baeyina rab caliga par kath

Pro ga bounk caliga ork oryt woor ockabi

Ork ga rer finlay talg druera

Ga rer proka woo

Chan woo droola

Talg ot ih swurr ga rer posit

Droolet baeyina rab caliga par kath

Rab dantaya rer stahck nerr

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