Chapter 3

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Rowundah was kind enough to me for a droid, but I still felt sort of lonely. I sat in my new room, which was relatively simple. Sleek white walls, a white desk, bed, closet, and en suite bathroom. The various books, pens and notepads around the desk were all blue, and arranged in a way that looked tidy and crisp. I had blue covers on my bed, and there were three grey jumpsuits that were made of a slinky, slithery sort of material in the closet. I decided to take a shower to freshen up. The warm water felt good, like it was washing away my worries, but it didn't fix the squirmy feeling that settled in my stomach. I dried off and got dressed into one of the sleek jumpsuits that were provided. It was comfy, maybe a little itchy in places, but it was okay. After I changed I plopped down in the desk's chair and scribbled my thoughts out onto a sheet of paper. 

"Enemy abilities? Strengths/Weaknesses? Was Dad attacked by them? Remember to text Mom and say you're safe. Contact Rowundah?" 

I chuckled to myself when I was done. What a chaotic mess. Whatever.I glanced to the clock that was projected onto the wall beside my bed. Sigh. In half an hour I'd be meeting my crewmates. Dang. I don't think I'd ever felt so nervous. I pulled out my phone and texted my Mom, telling her that I was ok and settling in fine. "Just another adventure," I breathed, looking back at the clock. How did time go by so fast? Fifteen minutes. Ten minutes. Five. Two. 


A small door next to the bed slid open and revealed a large lounge area, a small kitchen, bar, dining area, and a table stacked with videogames in front of the biggest TV I'd ever seen in my life. I saw a couple other people sitting around, but no one was really talking to each other. It was at this point I realized I probably should've put more effort into my appearance. My curly, long brown hair was still a little frizzy from my shower, and I hadn't slept the night before, so I must've had some dark circle action going on. I got a couple of stares, and I could feel my face go bright red as I went to sit down on the large couch. I mindlessly begun running my fingers through my hair as I took in my new surroundings. A girl with shortly cropped lime green hair and freckles sat beside me, and I worked up the courage to say hi. We introduced ourselves and got along quite well, but something about her was... off. "My name's Freyjalline, but call me Freyja. I don't know what my parents where thinking when they gave me that name." Her piercing silver-blue eyes felt like they were boring into me, but I managed to stutter, "Oh-uh, I'm Aurelie, but everyone calls me Aura." "Awww, that's a cute name!" She squealed. "It's not a very human name either. Are you by any chance a Lumartian too?" "Um- no, I'm human. Wait, too? " "Yeah. I'm a Lumartian, but most of us look just like you guys, except for our ears." She grinned and her eyes sparkled with humor as she pulled back her hair and revealed... 

"Pointed ears? And they're... purple?" I never saw a live Lumartian before, so this detail was new. "Yep! If our ears are purple, it means we're healthy. You know you're pretty cool for a human. Never met one before, though, so I guess I wouldn't know. And you're friendly too." 

"Thanks." I gave Freyja a real smile and thought, 

Maybe it won't be so bad here. 

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