Chapter 26 : Different

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Asahi's POV

Noya and I were walking around town. We were basically Window shopping. I want to hold his hand or pull him closer to me but I told him I wanted to keep our relationship a secret.

Will he begin to have doubts about us if I don't show affection?

Noya was happily eating a Gari-Gari kun popsicle, soda flavour I was eating a Chery flavoured one.

I walked hunching down a bit. I didn't know how to act around Noya since that night. He's acting like he's always done aside from the occasional winks and flirty lines when nobody's around.

Contemplating the right amount of different , without moving too fast or being just friendly was harder than I thought. The fact that we had to keep everything we felt a secret was also hard.

"Hey , Asahi ! Look !" Noya yelled nearly giving me a heart attack. "My popsicles a winner! I'm gonna go redeem it!" He yelled running back to the store were we bought it. Before I could say anything.

I looked at him. He was running with the stick between his fingers skipping down the street. I smiled. He's so perfect.

My phone vibrated. I pulled it out of my pocket seeing two text messages. One from Yui and the other Takeo.


I started panicking instantly. What have I done? Did I eat or hide her chocolate? I couldn't remember. I'll have to deal with her fury when I get home.

I sighed half in relief and half in disappointed. Yui will be going back to boarding school the day before I get back home.

I almost sneered out loud reading the text from Takeo.

Takeo : Is it just you ,or is all of
volleyball gay? I wonder
what the first years will
think of that one. Haha jk
although I do have a sexy
photo of you with someone
who looks like a guy doing
the dirty. Wanna see?

I clenhged my fist at my side. I had to delete the message before anyone saw it. It's for the best.

Noya returned with another soda flavoured popsicle right as I pocketed my phone.

I smiled at him. " Ready to go ?" I asked. He nodded. "Hell , yeah!" He yelled. He walked with a little jump in his step.

"Asahi ! Asahi ! There's a park !" Noya said running towards the playground. He started running towards a group of people crowded around a swing set.

I recognised the group as we neared. "TANAKA!" Noya yelled. He ran towards the group , who I now see weren't gathered around the swing set but Tanaka sprawled out on the floor.

Tanaka jumped to his feet. "NOYA !" He yelled. Noya and Tanaka stopped in front of each other. They went silent for a solid five seconds. Just as I started to enjoy it they started chatting.

"It's been forever!" Noya inquired. Tanaka nodded his head insanely fast. "No it's been longer!" He argued dramatically. Both boys jumped up and down.

"You saw each other this morning!" Enoshita said. That got their attention. He's going to be a tough captain but he's got a nack for keeping them under control.

Tanaka's face seemed to have brightened up significantly in the last few seconds.

"I have something to tell you!" Tanaka yelled. Still jumping. Noya's eyes sparkled. "Me to!"

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