Chapter 2: The Exit

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On the wall appeared "Find The Door" written in green.

"Hey!" I yelled, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What?" Matt yelled back.

"We have to find a door. Obviously, it's the only way out," I say pointing to the writing on the wall.

"Well, what are we doing just standing here? Let's go!" Ramona exclaimed walking off. She stops as soon as she sees the 6 possible paths.

"That's the hard part," I say. "We're in a maze. You don't think we'd get out that easy, do you?"

"I don't think we should separate ourselves," advises Stacey, taking the lead. "We don't know what's out there. There could be dangerous people out there for all we know!"

"What type of people would do this? And why?" Kerck says the last part quietly, as if he was solving a mystery.

"Easy, insane people. People who've lost their sanity. They're probably doing this 'cause they like torturing people," I snap, with anger in every word.

"Well standing here won't do us any good. We've gotta find our way out now or we'll starve," Matt says now taking the lead.

He walks into a dimmed hall as we all follow behind. When I said that everything looks the same, I wasn't kidding. It looks like someone copied and pasted the walls. The only thing different was the alternating lengths of the walls.

"What if we never make it out?" says Kerck.

I look back to see Emily on the verge of tears.

"Don't say that," I say, shooting Kerck a glare. I look back to Emily and continue, "We'll make it out." I give her a reassuring smile.

We kept on walking. We went through different halls and took different turns, but in every room we went into, there was no door. I couldn't lose hope. Not yet.


It's been hours and we still haven't found the doors. My legs feel weak, my eyes feel heavy. I felt like giving up. We walked into a huge room. Everything seemed familiar, but didn't every room look the exact same? I look at the walls. No.

I freeze. Holding in my frustration.

"We're in the same room that we began in," I gasp, falling to the floor. I've lost hope, we're not getting out of here.

"What do you mean?" Matt turns to look at me.

I point to the wall. The same, damn wall that said, "Find The Exit".

"We're gonna die," I mumble to myself.

"Don't say that," Emma says. "We'll find a way out. Even if it takes us days."

"If we don't find the door in 3 days, we will die from dehydration," explains Kerck, laying across from me.

"Get up," says Stacey. "We are not going to die here. We'll make it out. I refuse for any of you to die," she consoles, as she pauses to think. "We'll separate ourselves."

"Weren't you the one who said we shouldn't?" asks Steven.

"Look. We've already been out there and there's been no threats. It's the only choice. It would make this process a lot faster."

"Stacey is right," interrupts Ella. "There is no other way for us to find the door. If we separate, then maybe one of us would find the door."

"And what if they do? How would the others know? We can't just call each other," Steven complains, making the situation even harder.

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