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"A boat across the great lake?" I smirked, walking into the great hall.

Another teacher had shown up this morning much to my surprise. Enough students had signed up this year for alchemy, so a renowned witch named Briar was invited to the great castle.

She was close to my age, 21. She was truly beautiful with long blonde hair, big sea green eyes and a sharp face. She had a wicked sense of humor but her looks intimidated even me.

"Yes, we are nothing if not theatrical here at Hogwarts."

"What house were you in?"

"I was a Hufflepuff." She winked at me, arm wrapped through mine. "Best house we have."

"What the hell is a Hufflepuff?"

We walked into the great hall and my gaze was immediately caught by the tall dark man. He sneered the moment he watches us walk in. "Miss. Remington. Just when i thought my year couldn't get any worse."

She smiled. "Severus. Glad to see you're as greasy as ever." She gave a curt nod, pulling me away from him.

"You know him?"

She nodded her head solemnly. "Unfortunately. He was my potions teacher when I went to school here. I've never met such a bitter, miserable, pathetic excuse for a man." She pulled out a chair for me next to her and sat down. "I don't think there was a single day where a student DIDNT leave his class crying. Half the school was terrified of him."

I watched him glare at us as he sat down on the opposite side of the table. "But.... why? Why would he even want to be a teacher? Why would Dumbledore want to keep him on the staff?"

She shrugged. "Been asking myself that the moment I got here. Nobody knows." She tugged my arm, nodding to the doorway. "Look!"

The large doors opened and a flood of black robes rushed in. Red, yellow, green, and blue. Students were chattering and joking, a happy attitude filling the air.

A girl with bushy brown hair seemed to be leading a group, a lanky red head slinking behind her. They all settled down at one of the tables and a boy with glasses joined.

Briar gave a small nod to the boy, her eyes among the sea of students. "See the boy with glasses?"

I nodded, looking at the candles in the air. "Yes."

"That's Harry Potter."

I turned to her, eyebrow raised. "You don't say?"

She grinned. "He and your boyfriend are on especially bad terms. You should watch the two go at it."

My face heated up. "He's not my-!"

"Relax, relax!" She chuckled. "I'm only joking. He does seem to have his eye on you."

I frowned. "I think I maybe have upset him. We sort of got into it the first night."

She raised an eyebrow. "Already?"

"We have a disagreement on.... blood purity issues."

She nodded her head. "Figures. There was a rumor in my day going around that he was a death eater. Explains why he always wears the long sleeves."

I frowned. "Dont all the faculty?"

She shrugged. "It's just a rumor. Wouldn't be surprised. You know, he's been trying to get the position of DADA teacher for years."

"Well.... maybe he just has a passion for-"

"The dark arts?"

I glanced back to Severus who was still watching us with a cold expression. Briar nudged me. "Oh, look! The first years!"

A large old hat was placed on a stool as the students filed in. A hush fell across the great hall and the hat sprang to life making me jump. Briar had to stifle a giggle behind her hand and I caught a small smirk from dumbledore.

The hat began a lovely song about sticking together in hard times and finally fell silent again. Students were called one at a time to the stool. The sorting hat would be placed upon their hesd and they would then walk off to join their classmates.

I noticed that a certain class, Slytherin, got very little cheers and even some boos. My heart ached for the terrified children and I made a mental note to inquire about the peculiar greeting later.

As soon as everyone was settled dumbledore stoom up and a hush fell across the great hall again. He greeted the students and began listing various different places and items prohibited. He finally came to the conclusion of his speech. "And finally, I have two new additions to add to the staffing. "Some of you may remember Miss. Briar Remington. We are pleased to announce she will be joining us as our alchemy teacher for the year."

Briar stood up and gave a smile and a curt nod, sitting back down.

"And finally, we have someone very special. I am pleased to announce that we have Miss. Flora Pevensie all the way from MACUSA joining us this year as a teacher. We are opening an all new class for those 3rd year and above. You'll learn all about different kinds of healings. Now, if you'll all give me a hand in giving a warm welcome to our new professors."

The great halls erupted into applause and food filled the tables.

Briar and i chatted, happily munching away on all the food and laughing at each others jokes. Dinner came and went, followed by dessert. The students were filled and happy and Dumbledore excused everyone for the night.

The students filed out and Briar walked me to the door. "Where are you off to?"

"Dungeons, you?"

"Oh rotten luck. They get so cold in the winter." She pointed a thumb down the opposite hall. "I'm the other way. See you tomorrow?"

I smiled. "See you tomorrow."

I turned, walking down the hall. I wandered for a while before realizing I was completely lost. I sighed.

I went to turn around, deciding it was better to retrace my steps, when I bumped into something hard. 

"Oh! i'm so-" I jumped back to see snape. "Oh. Are you following me?"

"You may have been too wrapped up in yourself to notice, but you are not the only one who resides down in the dungeons."

I blushed. "Oh.... Right. Well, i'll uhm,... i'll just get going."

I quickly walked past him.


I turned at his voice. "Yes?"

"Dungeons are this way."

I mentally kicked myself, forcing a smile to my face. "R-right." I walked back to his side and we began the descent to the dungeons.

We walked in silence for a while before he finally spoke up. "How did you find the sorting ceremony?"

"Oh it was great." I said. "We don't have anything like that. We have four statues that select which student they want."

"And what house selected you?"

I was caught off guard by his question. "All four.... I ended up selecting thunderbird."

"And what, may I ask, is that?"

"A magical creature. The house is for those who seek adventure and knowledge. It was said the founder of my house was intelligent but temperamental."

Snape paused outside of a door. "Temperamental? Doesn't sound like you at all."

Did he just.... make a joke? I gave him a look. "Haha."

An odd look crossed his face. "It would be in your best interest to learn the layout of the school. Quickly." He turned abruptly and strode down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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