Chapter 2

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My room was magnificent. I had been moved to the dungeons, which I thought was rather disappointing, but I was wrong.

A large sitting room complete with floor to ceiling bookshelves, a fire place, table, mini kitchen (though I was assured house elves would provide all meals at hogwarts), a private bathroom, and my own bedroom. It had a large four poster bed, desk, fireplace, and a window that showed me the depths of the great lake. I decided to draw the curtains shut, swearing I had seen a pair of eyes on me.

Dumbledore has left me alone unpack. in all honesty, I didn't have many things. I had left the states in a hurry and packed close to nothing

the only thing i hard brought with me were one
clothes, my wand, a few books, and some basic potion/teaching supplies.

I unpacked the few clothing items i had and hung them in the wardrobe. I then shelved a few books i had brought with me and  vbegan to scan the shelves, looking at all the books that had already been tucked away.

Magical and non magical books alike stood for  the shelves. I ran my fingers across the leather bound backs, amazed with how beautiful they were.

I pushed open the portrait that served as the door to my room and stepped into the damp hallway. My heels clicked gently as i walked down the hallway.

Dumbledore had invited all the teachers to the school the day before to begin unpacking, preparing, and what he called 'a get to know you meal'.

I assumed it was more for my benefit since everyone here had known each other.

I wandered through the halls, emerging in a long corridor. I walked towards a large opening and emerged into a large rectangular room.

My jaw couldn't help but drop. The room was like nothing I had ever seen before.

A dark, cloudy sky sifted above me, hundred of floating candles flickered, casting a warm glow around me. Two large fireplaces on either side, along with several stone gargoyles holding plates of fire on the walls also helped to light the room up. Four long tables from front to the back of the room room up most of the space. A singular black table with a golden chair in the middle overlooked the four tables.

"What are you doing here." A  stern, but quiet voice demanded behind me.

i quickly turned around, surprised. "oh, sorry! i was just-"

"American?" There was a hint of disdain in the mans voice. He was taller than I was and I had to look up slightly to meet his eyes. His black hair was down to his shoulders, dark robes, and intense eyes that made me forget what we were talking about. "well? are you going to stand there like an idiot with you mouth open all night, or tell me why you're in my school?"

my mouth snapped shut. "your school? i didn't realize i was speaking to the headmaster."

and unpleasant scowl pulled at his lips and I quickly interjected before he could speak again.

"i'm the new teacher. Miss. pevensie." I held a polite hand out, offering a smile.

"You seem to confuse me with someone who cares. I did not as for your name." in one swift move, he pushed past me to the table.

My fists clenched and I opened my mouth to retort, when a second voice cut me off.

"Ah! Flora, please, meet Minerva. she's our wonderful charms professor, head of Gryffindor." Dumbledore approached with an elderly witch in deep emerald green cloak. "if you'll excuse me."

He left, leaving the two alone. She offered me a nod. "I see you've had the pleasure of meeting Severus."

"i'm not sure if pleasure is the word i would use."

This earned a real smile from her. "He has a certain way with people."

"I feel bad for his students. If i had to sit through a class with that man as my teacher...."

"Well, every school must have a least favorite teacher." She winked and  wrapped an arm around my shoulder guiding me over to the other teachers who were beginning to take their seats. 

The only open spot, much to my dismay, was next to the man I learned was Severus. Dumbledore made quick introductions, telling me the name of every teacher and what they taught. With that, a clap of his hand, and food appeared on our plates.

"So, Flora." A portly man asked. his name having something to do with a horned slug? oh, I can't remember..... "You must tell me, how does hogwarts compare to Ilvermorny?"

I smiled. "Well, i must say, the grounds here is beautiful. However, I do find it hard to adjust to.... certain things."

"I'm sorry, I don't seem to understand?"

"Well this isn't just limited to Hogwarts, but.... the prejudice here of pureblood, halfblood, muggle born.... it seems silly to me. I mean, one of our founders was a nomaj." I felt a pair of dark eyes on me as I spoke every word. "The fact that one of the founders believed the school should only accept people of a certain status? And this belief is still continuing? I guess I just prefer the democratic air of Ilvermorny. I'm not a fan of elitism."

"You believe that blood purity has nothing to do with the power of a wizard?" A deep, quiet voice asked.

I set my jaw, refusing to meet his eyes. "I don't. I believe it's dangerous and stupid to believe in such things. The thought that you're better because of who your parents marry? They're nothing more than bigots. I think the power most 'pure bloods' carry these days is money and fear of their name. Nothing more, nothing less."

Majority of the teachers had stopped eating and were staring at me and Severus. He remained calm and cool, slowly cutting his chicken. "I didn't realize you were an expert on such topics."

"It doesn't take an expert to see what's so clearly in front of them. How many wars, either magical or not, can be traced back to one group of people believing they're  better than others. what purpose does oppression serve, I ask you?"

"So now you're learning lessons from the muggles?"

"Your students must love you." I shot back, feeling
my temper rise.

"It's not my job to make my students like me, I don't care what they think of me. It's my job to do what I was hired to do and teach them."

I turned quickly, meeting his eyes for the first time. "Why don't you-"

A scream cut me off and I jumped, turning to see a woman with bushy hair and large glasses staring into a tea cup half way down the table. Minerva, obviously annoyed, grabbed the cup and turned it slightly. The woman glanced into the tea cup again and breathed a sigh of relief, putting the cup down.

I turned back to continue my discussion and noticed the seat next to me empty, a black
cloak slipping out of view ahead of me.

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