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Jimin turns around a corner and hurries past all the big windows and several doors, farther and farther away from Yoongi. He doesn't realize he is crying until he reaches the end of the hallway and stops, slightly out of breath, his vision blurring. His throat hurts terribly, and the salty tears running down his face sting.

He doesn't cry. The last time he truly cried was when he found his mother. Then, when Taehyung disappeared, he was too hurt to cry. So, why the fuck would he cry now? Bawl like a little baby — this isn't even that bad. Okay, Yoongi hurt him and clearly doesn't love him, he never will — so what?

But still, Jimin feels awful.

We're just fucking.

Did Yoongi really mean that? He didn't look like it — and he seemed so hurt by Jimin's words, too.

No, he couldn't have meant it. But it makes sense. Jimin wouldn't want to love someone like himself either. And he just proved why he would be an awful partner — because he lashes out at people for no reason, and he is mean. He just doesn't want to let people in, and in return he hurt Yoongi.

Yoongi, sweet Yoongi. God.

Jimin sobs and desperately tries to wipe his tears away.

He can't go back. He wishes he could, but he can't. Yoongi is mad at him, that's for sure, and rightfully so. And technically, Jimin is mad, too — God, this is so awfully confusing.

He leans against the wall and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to calm his breathing. In, out. He can do this. He pulls at the sleeves of his hoodie before registering that it's Yoongi's, really. The feeling of comfort that engulfs him seems so wrong.

He shouldn't have run away. He should have stayed, and he shouldn't have tried to hurt Yoongi in turn for hurting him. This isn't a competition — he was just being awful for no reason. And now Yoongi surely hates him and everything is over.

But he can't just go back. Maybe he is too proud, but there is something keeping him from doing it. Jimin is bad at fixing things, and he can't apologize either.

He rubs his face, sighing desperately. And of course, this had to happen today out of all days.

Then, faintly, he hears steps. His eyes fly open. They're quiet, but they're approaching him, and they're fast.

Yoongi, is his first thought, and before he knows it, he has pushed himself away from the wall and is hurrying down the hallway.

Yoongi, his head repeats, again and again, Yoongi, he is coming back for me.

A cold gust hits him. The steps get louder; he runs faster.

Then, he turns around the corner, and stops dead in his tracks when the sight of an empty hallway spreads out in front of him.

Jimin lets out an involuntary, pained noise and retreats. The sound of the steps doesn't stop, it gets louder; the sound of heels hitting the ground in a hurried manner.

Jimin's heart beats a bit faster. He swallows heavily.

"Ha ha," he says, loudly, "Very funny, hyung. I get it, you're mad at me. What a hilarious prank, though!"

His hands sweat and he glances around nervously, but when the steps don't cease, he bravely walks forward.

"Hyung!" he calls, "Stop it! That's enough!"

He keeps throwing nervous glances over his shoulder, but he tries his best to keep a composed demeanor. If Yoongi is watching him from somewhere, he certainly doesn't want to give him the satisfaction of looking scared. And he isn't. That'd be ridiculous.

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