Bring It In

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          It had been a long two weeks on the block. So much occurred in what felt both like so little time and an eternity. The main part was that, after all these years, all was finally forgiven, and they were able to move forward in the family they were always meant to be.

          All the boys were going back to school, having their cars packed and ready to go but none of them wanted to. They would stay forever if they could. None of them felt they had taken proper advantage of the few days they had together but alas knew that summer was just around the corner and had sworn they'd come back. Five cars in the cul-de-sac would leave, creating empty space but before that could happen, the group said goodbye to their parents so they could be alone at the vehicles when another rolls up. Shawn sent a text to Clover early in the morning to let her know he'd be gone today, and he wished she'd stop by. And so, she did.

          When Ella and Clover laid eyes on each other, a yearning shot between them. Clover reaches her hand out to Ella who was already making her way over. They shared no words, only exchanging looks that said it all. They were sorry.

          "Are they heading out soon?"

          "Way too soon," she tells Clover moving back to the boys, her to Sawyer and Clover to Shawn who whispers 'watch this' in her ear and gestures over to Ella and Sawyer.

          Ella spins around so her back is against his chest which prompts Sawyer to pull her hair to fall down her back and proceed to knit his fingers with her's, wrap their arms around her as he nuzzles his face into her open neck. Her eyes shut for a moment so she can remember the feeling. Why couldn't he stay? Why couldn't she go? Either would work for them as long as they could stay together.

          The five watch them as they speak back and forth about future plans. Truth be told, there's never a day when the six are apart that they don't miss one another so going back to school and knowing they won't be back until summer made them somber.

          "Okay, okay, enough of this," Louis says after checking the time. "If we don't leave now none of us will want to go."

          "Group hug," Elijah speaks up. "Bring it in." The group hug was tradition for the kids whenever they started leaving for college or a camp during the summer. It had less of an effect over time when the numbers became spotty, but the hug was important to them and they weren't ever going to let the lack of numbers stop them.

          None of them enjoyed watching the others separate to their own vehicles. "I know I'll see you soon, but I'll miss you all." Ella calls out when everyone's reached their doors.

          Louis, Jeremy, and Elijah were the first ones to pull out of the cul-de-sac. One by one, they all came home; and now, one by one, they all left home.

          "And you," she says to Sawyer who spins her in his arms. "When can I expect to see you?" He held her tight to him as if they were going to mold into one.

          He moves her hair behind her ears with his fingertips, taking the extra time to memorize her features. Not that he would forget with all the pictures he took of them and with her since their lips met each other's. "That's the good thing about being the only one who chose a school close to home. I'll be back the second you say you want me."

          "Do you have to leave?" She wished he could stay here loving her like this. She wished for a lot of things and he would continue to be her wish day in and day out.

          "I wish I didn't so I could hold you forever, but I have classes I have to attend."

          "You have me too." He would never forget.

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