Another Rough Night on the Cul-De-Sac

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          Shawn is unpacking his vehicle when he sees his favorite four leaf Clover leaving the Peters' residence next door, uncharacteristically defeated. She tried to speak to Ella about the night prior, but Ella was having nothing to do with it. How was she supposed to stop being her friend if Clover kept showing up and texting her nonsense? Of course, she wondered if she had overreacted. Everyone wonders that when things happen and they lose their head, or at least that's what she was telling herself.

          There was no doubt that Clover was going to keep trying to get her friend to forgive her. She'd take as long as it needed because she knew that Ella was worth it. She couldn't give up.

          "Hey Clo," he calls, closing his trunk. She smiles, and as her heart race speeds up at the sight of him, she waves, practically skipping over to him.

          "You're home." He leans against the frame, thumbs hooking in his belt loops.

          "The boys and I decided we'd come back during Spring Break rather than go somewhere else. Think we're all missing home."

          "Yeah, I met the elusive Murphy brothers. Well, okay, Jeremy and I didn't actually have a conversation but that's alright."

          "He didn't say anything? That doesn't sound like Jer."

          "Eh, it was late, and no one knew I was stopping by, so it was kind of weird." She passes over. "But anyways, was there anything else you were missing?" She flirts, gaining a chuckle and a once over from him.

          "Oh absolutely. I don't get conversations quite like this at school." Clover hums, nodding intently. "How have you been though, anything or anyone new?" Her head snaps up at the question.

          "Went on a date with Sawyer last week," before she could finish, Shawn's body filled with confused jealousy and pushes off the car.

          "You did what."

          "Oh yeah, it was a good time, but I had certain intentions behind it and so did he. Don't think it'll happen again."

          "You slept with him?" She understood why that's where he went with it, the way she explained it did sound like that was the main goal.

          "Whoa, no, that'd be horrifying." She could see the searching for understanding, "I only went out with him to get him to realize his feelings for Ella."

          "Oh... Did he," Shawn stands two feet from Clover, "or do I need to fight him for your affection?"

          "As tempting as that sounds, I got through to him."

          "Tempting, hey," she rolls her eyes at him and shakes her head, smirking at his change of tone.

          "Please, you clearly know where I stand," she jokes. "However, I have a problem that I didn't account for."

          "How pissed Ella would end up." The answer everyone except for Clover added into play. How she didn't see it coming was beyond Shawn, but he understood that maybe she was blinded by the excitement of the potential that could come.

          "Exactly, I've been trying to get her to understand where I was coming from without telling her why I was doing it."

          "She's not going to forgive you easily. This has been her life for the past four years and she thought you were different."

          "I am different, he is so not my type," Clover affirms, dragging out her 'so' for emphasis.

          "Who would you say is your type," Shawn's lips carry a smug smirk, reaching for her hand.

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