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Sorry for another A/N, btu my oneshot book got reported and now I'm waiting for the people on Wattpad to give my story back, although they might not. At least I had the whole thing saved to a google doc and I made a book to put it all in the meantime, just in case I don't get my book back. I really hope I get it back, I don't know why the person reported it, but I wish they would have talked to me about the issue they were having and I could have tried to fix it.

This is a real problem and I wish this hadn't happened, but this could have been (This is just a theroy) a parent who got on their kids Wattpad account and saw the stuff in the story and dubbed it something to getrid of, so thye reported it. Remember this is just one of my many theroies about what happened and how it happened.

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