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authors note: a good book and a squeeze of the hand to anyone who takes their precious time to read my story :)


May 8th, 1993

Elodie blinked. There were a couple people standing around her, Madame Pomfrey still forcing a potion into her mouth with a dropper. She tilted her head slightly, feeling the bones in her neck crack.

"Ow." She choked.

"And she's up! Severus, would you like to come here?" The healer said delightedly.

"No." Came a low voice from the back.

"Erm... a-alright."

"Hello, father." Elodie tried to smile. Her lips felt very dry.

"Welcome back." Snape said tersely.

"Can I go see Fred and George?" Elodie asked hopefully, four months of petrification weighing on her shoulders. And yet, they were all she could think of.

"Well, can you walk, dear?" Madame Pomfrey asked uncertainly.

"I have been doing it for 14 years." Elodie replied flatly.

"Fifteen, love." Mcgonagall, who was standing to the right of Pomfrey, spoke up.

"Oh, right." Elodie frowned. "Anyone seen my telescope? I've been dying to check it out." She sat up painfully in bed.

"Yes, dear, it's in your dormitory. H-how did you know about the telescope?"

"Some muggle studies show comatose patients can discern sound, you know-if there isn't any brain damage, 'course." Elodie shrugged.

"You could hear?" Mcgonagall said, stunned.

"Well, yeah." She bit her lip, trying not to laugh at the witches and wizards. There were benefits, sometimes, to being half-muggle.

"Oh- alright then." Mcgonagall blinked. Madame Pomfrey laughed.

"Perhaps you ought to think about a career as a healer, Miss Florence."

Elodie wrinkled her nose. "Mm, no thank you. Not a lot of laughs in the healing profession."

"Miss Florence, you cannot choose a career based solely on laughs!" Mcgonagall said, scandalized.

Madame Pomfrey put a hand on the professor's shoulder. "Minnie, perhaps now is not the time to lecture her on job choices."

"Aha! You call her Minnie too!" Elodie grinned mischievously, her eyes darting back and forth between the two teachers.

"I'm leaving." Mcgonagall sighed. "Everyone's at dinner for supper, most of your fellow attackees already went down." She informed Elodie, walking briskly away. Snape followed her without another word.

Elodie tried to get up, her body still rigid.

"Take it slow, dear." Madame Pomfrey warned her.

Elodie rolled her head back in a circle, feeling the stiffness diminish. She gingerly put her legs over the edge of the cot, putting her feet to the floor.

Standing up with the help of Poppy, walking became easy in a matter of minutes-easier than one who had been petrified for months would expect. Perhaps the magic inside her veins, or the dropper of mandrake draught helped.

"You can go down now, if you'd like." Madame Pomfrey said kindly. "And Elodie, dear-be good to the Weasley boys. I've grown quite fond of them."

Elodie grinned. "I will. Thank you a million, Poppy."

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