Chapter 4: Tongue Tied

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Hello, everyone; it has been forever. I missed this!!

I had such a wonderful week and am happy to come back refreshed and full of ideas.

The schedule for my works is still the same do check out my profile for more info.

Anyways to the story!


Walking up to the Hogwarts doors, it was surprising to see the teachers rushing towards me.

There was Hagrid, Dumbledore, Professor Sinistra, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Sprout.

I leaned over my arm, slugging over Severus. I was still disorientated from the Apparition. It really knocks you out when you have had no food for two days and was semi tortured.

We smiled at each other, looking at the crowd of teachers.

Professor McGonagall was the first to hold onto me as we reentered the school.

"My dear child, are you alright? Are you hurt," she asked, looking all around me. Her face was concerned and warm. She seemed very distraught.

Her demeanor was that of a caring mom.

I smiled happily to see her face.

Hugging her tightly, I could feel the warmth from her body radiating to me.

Looking up, I could see Hagrid sniffling. He then ran up, hugging both McGonagall and me. He lifted us up in the air, squeezing us together.

It hurt a little, but it was nice to know how much he cared.

"Hagrid?!?" Her voice ran gout catching the eyes of Hagrid.

He put us down, smiling. "Sorry," he said.

As they both stepped away, I could see Dumbledore holding his hands. He smiled in relief, knowing I was safe.

Looking at Dumbledore, he could tell I had much to talk about with him.

I nodded at him, and he pats my shoulder.

They all began to take me to the infirmary, asking me many questions. Severus, however, swat them off, telling them to give her room.

It was cute seeing this side of him.

All flustered and caring for me.

As I sat on one of the beds, I was finally able to breathe. However, not for long.

Madame Pomfrey immediately tended to me.

She poked and pried all around me. I felt like an experiment more than a patient of hers.

Dumbledore had sent all the teachers except Severus, who he could not be pushed out.

His black eyes glared at Dumbledore when he had stated he should leave. Dumbledore backed down from this gaze and agreed that he could stay.

I was also happy that he was able to stay. Severus had not let go of my hand since we had come back to Hogwarts.

"How is she, Madame Pomfrey," Dumbledore asked.

Madame Pomfrey looked at her clipboard while her salt and pepper hair swayed with her words.

"She is mildly malnourished, has a sore throat, used too much of her energy causing a slight fever, and that does not include the bruises," she said in a clear and assertive tone.

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