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"Took you guys long enough!" The grumble of their irritated tech reached them as soon as the door opened. They laughed at the childish behavior of the elder.

"Sorry Yoongi hyung. We brought your chicken and beer though!" The cheery voice tried to calm the older down. "Of course you did. You'd be dead otherwise" Yoongi grumbled once more before snatching the bags from the redhead.

Namjoon laughed once he saw how their sniper pouted like he was offended. "Aigoo Hoseok-ah! Stop sulking and go clean your rifle" the lavender-head chuckled out before departing to his room for the night.

He could hear Hoseok and Yoongi bicker about something but he didn't have the brain capacity to understand what they were saying. Because the minute his back hit the mattress all his senses shut down instantly. His muscles giving away to the exhaustion.

The bickering duo in the main room finally settled down after hearing Namjoon's snores. Hoseok made himself comfy on the creaky couch, a can of beer in his hand. Yoongi munched on a chicken wing and stared at some data on his laptop screen.

"We'll need to change base tomorrow. We've been here for too long" Yoongi mumbled and sipped on his beer. He could hear Hoseok hum from the couch. "Where are we going this time?" The redhead asked and leaned his head back into the backrest.

"Busan" was all Yoongi had said for the latter to understand. It was time for their timely departure. The trio couldn't stay in one place for long. They seldom came back to the same base again. But that was the usual now for them.

Hoseok and Yoongi came to terms with it already, unlike Namjoon who wasn't so keen on the idea. The man wanted to settle down in a permanent stay along with his comrades and live like a normal happy family. But all of them knew that was just wishful thinking. They could never have a place they could call home.

Not Yoongi, who was from an abusive family. His father was a construction worker along with his mother. Barely made ends meet. But that wasn't the only hardship Yoongi had to face.

His father had a drinking problem and his mother was just abusive. By the time he became fifteen, he had had enough of being their punching bag. So Yoongi ran away. He ran and ran until he bumped into a certain redhead by the name of Jung Hoseok.

The said redhead already on the run from the murderers of his parents. But unlike Yoongi, Hoseok was well trained for the darker parts of the streets. So he gave the elder a helping hand. Introducing him to the world of computers which they Soon found out the older had a knack for.

That was the start of their friendship and brotherhood.

And that was also the start of Yoongi's journey as the man behind the screens.


You don't always need to use your fists to make a point. Sometimes just the tap of a button could be enough to destroy someone's entire legacy.

- Yoongi's expensive earpiece


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