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Jungkook walked up to the rooftop at GD's that evening unsure of how things would transpire between him and Taehyung.

It was a shock to not only find out that the boy was ex-military, but also that he was under Issac Belrich. (Belrich being pronounced as bell-rikh)

It is a known fact by now that Jeon Jungkook hated Issac Belrich with a burning passion.

So as he stood with Taehyung's back to him, he made the decision to hear out everything the male had to say about his past. Because a person can't have an easy past and have such conviction in his eyes.

Kim Taehyung had a much deeper wound. And Jungkook was about to find out exactly how deep it was.

And once he knew the brunette's past, Jungkook was determined to share his own side of the story.

So with that thought in mind, Jungkook walked. He walked up to the brunette who was looking up at the sky just like he did every night.

He stood beside him and stared at his side profile as it was being illuminated by the moonlight. And Jungkook noticed just how vulnerable the man looked.

Taehyung was showing himself to the raven completely bare. That was not easy to do with people like them. People who've had to go through hell on Earth.

He watched as Taehyung's chocolate brown orbs glittered as they reflected the twinkling lights of the stars.

The brunette sighed and smiled a little to acknowledge the man standing beside him.

"I was very naive during the military days. I was driven with a sense of 'justice' and was blinded by the thought of always doing what's right" the male started. Jungkook staying silent and listening diligently.

"I got enlisted because I wanted to be like my dad who died in war. I was really close to him. Not once did I consider how my mother would feel about it. How scared and devastated must she have felt when her only child decided to follow his father's footsteps" Taehyung eyes shimmered as a sad smile graced his lips. Jungkook's grip on the railing tightening as his heart.

"When I first got assigned to Isaac's unit I was excited. Working under the youngest commander, I thought he would be charismatic and passionate. Oh, how wrong I was" the brunette spat with venom.

"The first few months were fine. I was doing good and everything was alright, I wrote to my mom regularly cuz I'm stubborn but I'm not heartless. I'm a good son...was" Jungkook was on the verge of bending the iron railing with how tightly he was clutching on to it.

"I used to hear about this captain Jeon who was so tough and good at what he did and I wanted to be like him" the brunette giggled lightly Jungkook feeling the side of his lips curving slightly at the sound.

"I was good at training and I was a fast learner. So gradually I started surpassing my peers. So much so that I caught the attention of the higher-ups. To be more specific, Belrich's"

"He came to see me one time during training and told me he wanted to promote me to captain. I could take a week off to visit my mom and everything. Said it was a gift for all my hard work." The brunette scoffed.

"And as I said, I was young and naive so I believed him and was super excited. I went to see mom and I told her the news. She was happy for me but I knew deep down she was scared of losing me like dad. But like the idiot I was, I ignored it" by now Taehyung's eyes were glistening.

"When I went back to the camp I was told that I would get special training to become stronger before being promoted. I wasn't to tell anyone and I was to be secluded from the outside world while I trained. Sounds so fucking sketchy but what did I do? I fucking took the offer" Taehyung said through gritted teeth. Jungkook listening patiently with furrowed brows.

"I was cut off from the world and by the time I got out, it was already too late. I heard about what happened to you during my time there" he said with a shaky voice.

"What did they do to you Taehyung?" The male asked carefully so as to not be insensitive or pushy.

Taehyung turned to look at him for the first time that night. His eyes were so glossy that the raven could see his tears almost trying to seep out.

"Did you hear about the B-66 project?" The brunette asked instead. Jungkook's eyes widening at the sentence. Don't tell me- he thought to himself.

"So you did" the male smiled sadly at him and nodded to himself. "I only heard brief things like creating super soldiers and making killer machines. What the hell did they do to you Taehyung?" Jungkook was now desperate to know what happened. The raven wanted to clear out the thought that the bubbly Taehyung he knew was tortured or something.

Taehyung's sad smile didn't leave his face as he looked down at his hands that were covered by leather gloves, which were tucked inside the sleeves of his dark brown shirt.

"It's what you're thinking and worse" the brunette mumbled. Jungkook felt his heart drop and his breath hitch.

Taehyung stared at his wrist and tucked into the hem of the leather fabric unsurely. He looked up into the raven's eyes as if asking for reassurance. Jungkook nodded and reassured him that he wasn't going to judge him.

And so with a shaky breath, Taehyung pulled on the fabric and removed the glove in one go. Jungkook gasped loudly at what he saw. He couldn't believe his eyes.

Taehyung's hand was made of metal.

The brunette slowly removed his other glove and then rolled up his sleeves to his elbows. Both his arms were metal replacements that had wires and bolts running all the way up to his shoulders.

"Do you realize how terrible one had to be to break down a naive soldier who believed in justice? I stopped believing bullshit like that because of what they did to me Jungkook.

They amputated my arms and replaced them with metal arms and connected the wires to my brain so I could willingly move them. I had to train hard so I could move them like my normal arms.

It hurt so badly, but I endured it. For almost two years I endured that pain.

One day I heard them say that they'll try to remove my memories and conscience so that I could be used as a proper war machine. But I could be risked of dying in the process. And you know what Issac said?

It's okay, they're all replaceable anyway.

When I tried to confront him, he said he'd kill my mother. I didn't have a choice but to endure the pain even more. I accepted becoming a senseless machine in exchange for my mother's life. It was hard surviving when there were needles being pushed into my skin every other minute. Trying to fight through the medicine that was being drilled into me. But at one point I broke.

I escaped that place because I couldn't take it anymore. I ran away from that godforsaken place and hurried to my mom so we could run away together. But you know what they did because I retaliated?" He asked as he looked at the raven in the eye, his tears finally castigating down.

"That bitch burned my mother alive and left a note for me on her ashes and it said 'told you so'!" Taehyung said through his teeth as the fire of hatred blazed in his eyes. The railing he was clutching onto, bent from the force.

Jungkook banged his fist into the railing without a care for his bones, he was too fucking angry.


My past defines who I am today. But that doesn't mean I don't hate it.

-Taehyung's dangle earring


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