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The meeting room was dim with the only source of light being from the computer screens. Yoongi was found regorously tapping the keyboards as he sifted through every information they needed to make the final game plan.

Hoseok was sleeping upside-down on the leather couch of the common room. None of them seemed to care about his antics at this point seeing this was just the bare minimum.

Namjoon was away to get some gear for their new rendezvous. Jimin being his driver. Jin was in the kitchen cooking up god knows what.

Jungkook stared at them all for a minute before sighing. This was now the daily routine. But he wasn't complaining. After their little stunt with Hyun-eun, the boys were now closer than ever. It had been a month since then, and their company seemed like home at this point.

Home, Jungkook felt his insides turn warm at the word and a smile grace his lips. Home was something he never thought he would find again. But these boys seemed to prove him otherwise.

Speaking of which...

"Yoongi hyung, where's Taehyung?" The raven asked the older. The said male stopped typing just for a second to look at him before going back to his task. "I don't know. I'm a little busy to pay attention Kook, as you can see" the man mumbled shortly.

Jungkook just nodded even though he knew the other couldn't see him and walked away.

He didn't even know why he asked the elder when he already had a hunch where the male in question would be.

Taehyung had a special place in Jungkook's heart. The male understood Jungkook's pain. Yet he never comforted him. Instead Taehyung helped him embrace his pain and anger. And for that the raven was so grateful.

In these past weeks Jungkook has come to rely on Taehyung more than anything. And soon his feelings began to grow so much more than he could control.

The tall male walked up to the rooftop and breathed in the fresh air. Once he opened his eyes, they immediately fell on the very boy he was looking for.

Taehyung had a habit of looking up at the stars when he was stressed or just needed to free up his mind.

He walked in slow steps, taking his time to get to the brunette. Taehyung turned to look at him when he heard footsteps and smiled towards him softly then resumed back to his stargazing.

"It's beautiful here tonight" the brunette mumbled. Jungkook Looked up at the sky and hummed softly. " It is indeed" Taehyung turned to look at him and pouted.

"And here I thought you would do the cliche thing and look at me while saying that" Taehyung playfully nudged the other while pouting. "And what would that indicate?" Jungkook rose an eyebrow while smirking. Not realizing his little action caused someone's heart to accelerate.

Taehyung scoffed and rolled his eyes playfully. "That would indicate that you indirectly called me beautiful. You're so unromantic" the brunette teased, his heart hammering in his ears. There was no doubt the brunette liked the taller. He had liked him since the day he met him.

"Sorry if I'm 'unromantic', I just don't feel the need to say things indirectly when they're painfully obvious" Jungkook teased back. Taehyung gaped at him for a minute, his cheeks turned light pink as the raven smirked. "You're impossible" the brunette giggled and lightly slapped his bulky arm.

"Just ask me to be your boyfriend already" Taehyung joked. Jungkook chuckling after him with a wildly beating heart. "Alright then" Taehyung snapped his head towards the said male with wide eyes and crimson cheeks.

"I like you Taehyung. Be my boyfriend" Jungkook sated bluntly. But his eyes were serious and sincere.

What the...

"At least be a little subtle about it!" The brunette exclaimed, his cheeks fairing up to resemble a strawberry. "I've said it before baby, I don't say things indirectly that are painfully obvious" the raven winked.

Taehyung sighed frustrated and rolled his eyes, cheeks still rosy. He puckered his lips and pointed to them. The gesture demanding a kiss. And Jeon complied. He gently grabbed the back of Taehyung's neck and attached their lips together in a sweet yet passionate kiss.

Jungkook pulled the latter closer by the waist and rested his hands there. Taehyung's hands found themselves around Jungkook's neck as the kiss deepened.

The harmony of their lips resonating so the feelings and thoughts words could not express.

The boys had found their solace in each other. Finding someone to understand and someone who would understand them. The feelings they have grown for each other were equally beautiful and mesmerizing. And they conveyed them through their kiss.

They sealed the promise of being together and loving each other. The moon being their spotlight.

Smiles adorning their faces they walked down from the rooftop.

"Guys I have all the information we need to take down Belrich"-


It's not over til it's over.

-Taehyung's finger bolt


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