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Greetings everyone! Thank you so much for reading all the way here!

I know, i know. It's been quite a while. I've just started my pre-university course and relocated to a foreign country so the past few months have been pretty busy for me.

So yeah! First chapter of the sequel is up now! What's it called? Well duh, 'The Pianist and The Snow Queen II', obviously. Hahaha

(Y/N)'s voyages are far from anywhere near the end. In fact, i think we've barely even started. I have a lot of stuff planned for this next arc, and it'll probably be much longer than the first one!

Hang in there dear readers! Slowly but surely, I'll finish writing this damn fanfiction that I've put so much time, thought, and effort into. I'm not a professional by all means, and english isn't a language that i use often nowdays, but I'll try my best in making this story a nice one!

Slowly but surely. One chapter at a time.

Peace out!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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