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"Ah... so you finally asked... took you long enough" I teased

"Hey cut it out were trying to be serious right now, all we know about you is your name and that you saved us 3 times" he sighed "We don't know why, we don't know where you came from, who your parents are , and most importantly we don't know who you are?"

"So you want me to tell you my whole life story now?" I questioned 

Everyone perked up "Go for it" Gon said enthusiastically I sighed.

Well lets start from the top... 

"What the hell is this" your mother exclaimed.

"We prayed to  that God thing for a baby boy and this is the shit we get pathetic." your father said.

Back at home.

"Chain that little shit to the wall new born baby my ass your mine now and I'm gonna make you wish you were a boy or better yet never born in the fist place" your mother screeched with  menace in her voice.

The rest of the night the house was filled with the screams of a just new born child.

From the moment I first got home to the age of 2 my life was hell everyday whether my previous wounds had healed or not I got wiped or tazzed or cut up sometimes beaten to a bloody pulp. 

The floor stained blood red on the  white tile floor, only being unchained when it was time to eat or sleep.

After my 2nd birthday my parents realized wiping me and tazing me wasn't going to magically going to turn me into a boy. Since they were part of an assassin organization there was a school they could send their kids off too to be trained for elite missions to become assassin's they let my wounds heal and sent me off. Normally you join at the age of 5 and girls almost never go because they were sexist.

"Look at the way she hides"

"She thinks she can hide"

"C'mon sweetheart I'm not gonna hurt you"

Even though these remarks were made, they broke me but I held myself together long enough I guess. 

I was 2 year old girl against 25 5 year old boys the odds were un even but I managed.

 My parents let me train with knives I stayed up late every night practicing waiting for the right moment to strike. 

I was in 3rd grade I was ready for blood for the blood of the ones who were supposed to love me and didn't on my fifth birthday I stabbed them and dragged them down to the cellar I tortured them for 15 hours straight listening to them scream as their cries bounced of the walls watching them struggle as I taze and whip them as I for once beat them to a blood pulp and carve their bodies with my flawless knife skills.

Then the pain all came back to me and I blew their brains out. I told my teachers to come to my house that my parents wanted to see them so they came and I showed them the mess in the cellar.

They were impressed they didn't seem to mind that two of their highly ranked assassins' had been killed by a five year old, in fact that made them more enthusiastic.

From the age of 5 to 6 I trained my heart out and started field work when I turned 6. I worked for the company but the pain that came with the house I now lived in/ owned was too much to handle I asked permission to leave their organization.

They weren't happy but they kept the house I took a couple of high paying jobs and bought an apartment at 8. That was when it all started I realized I wasn't normal that killing people for money had no place on the good part of the status quo. That I was a criminal so I made allies. People who could help out but we had no connection I didn't trust them all the way. We weren't a team but we helped each other out without tallying up every minor detail.

When I turned 9 I had plenty of money I could stop working for a while and relax then my emotional state depleted I hated myself a small voice in my head told me it was my fault I wasn't a boy and that I was the monster.

I could've acted like one...

or maybe even keep my parents alive and show them my new skills but it was to much to bear all at once which led me to my 10th birthday where I mistook this relationship between me and someone who I simply thought they felt of me as an allies they really thought of me as a friend.

That of whom of course was Ging he was like a big brother he taught me that it wasn't my fault, that sometime people have a screw loose, that the reason I'm a psychopath is because when the world grows around you you can grow with it in both good and bad ways or you can sink.

I choose my only option to swim and grow with what was told to me as normal my normal was bad compared to normal eventually as I grew from my literal near death experience.

In two years I grew morals and feelings, I learned how to express myself but also hide my emotion.

Now I am who I am today because of everything because of the people because of these experiences I've blossomed in ways no one could ever imagine and am proud because of it.


That's what I wish I could say instead I said " what do you want to know?"

Killua asked the first question "who are your parents and where are they"

"My parent's are Sawyer L/N and Veronica L/N and their dead"

"If you don't mind me asking how did they die" Kurapika spoke in a soft tone.

I gave them all a bored expression putting my hands behind my head "I killed them"

"Your kidding right?" Leorio asked

"No... let me just summarize up my life for ya, My parents always hated me they thought boys were superior over girls, so from the first time I entered my house to the age of 2 I was tortured in my basement/cellar spent most of that time chained to a wall." I sighed "when I turned two I already knew how to walk talk run read all that fun stuff so they enrolled in their assassin school" "They let their guard down and let me practiced my knife skills, on my 5th birthday I stabbed them both, dragged them to the basement, tortured them for 15 hours then blew their brains out" " when I was 7 I took leave from the organization never, looked back, when I was 8 I bought an apartment, I gained some allies when I was 9, tried to commit suicide when I was 10, and spent the last 2 years trying to peace my soul back together.

Everyone stared at me eyes wide mouths gapping wide open.

"what?" I said. Gon ran over and hugged me I blushed due to the sudden skin ship and turned my face away while hugging him back. 

I felt a murderous aura coming from behind Gon so I lightly shove him a way so he wouldn't die from Killua's emotions.

"Any other questions" I asked.

Killua spoke up "you still haven't answered why you saved us all" I paused and then just spit it out.

"I met a man in his early 30's when I was 9 I thought of a lot of people as allies not friends but this man I saw him as almost a brother." I sighed. "On my 10th birthday I invited him and only him to a cliff and jumped off of it he jumped with me and kept me from dying we both survived safe and sound and he asked me to make one promise that if ever ran into his son ,Gon Freecs, that I wouldn't let him die and I would protect him and well fate, and I took that promise as a sign to protect you all too. I also did it because I wish to become allies with you all except for orange soda"

"wait so you know my dad" Gon exclaimed. I hummed in response. "And Gon if, or when you do go to find him just know he says he doesn't wish to let you see him but I know he wants to meet you just as much as you want to meet him." 

With that I drifted to sleep while muttering "if you have any other questions ill be up tomorrow" I shut my eyes and fell asleep.

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