Chapter 1

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Tiffany had been working for 22 hours straight, her shift ending over 3 hours ago. Esme had offered to go get a coffee with her but Tiffany just couldn't find time for a break. She had done more than expected today, as Ines had given all of Sienna's cases to her while Sienna was on leave. She was going to visit her parents for her birthday and they were going to travel for the week. The Diagnostics team was working hard to solve three cases, one of their own and 2 from hospitals across the world. On top of all the team's work, she had shifts in the free clinic that day, and being the kind hearted doctor she was, she took over some of her colleagues' work, because morale to her seemed low that day. She had all of 10 minutes for a break, and instead of finding a coffee or resting, she went and bought donuts for everyone. So in her 22 hours of work so far she had done rounds with over 40 patients, spent hours helping the diagnostics team, helped in the ER and did work in the free clinic.

Ethan was one to pride himself on how much work he could get done in just one shift, in fact, he thought of himself as one of the most efficient doctors at Edenbrook if not the most. He already knew how immensely successful he was and that always something to keep him going; and yes, there were days when he was slow or did barely any work, but it never stopped him from being a great doctor. See he always thought the reason he didn't like many people was because of his high work ethic and how demanding most of his work was. He thought because he never got time to know them he wouldn't like them and they wouldn't like him. He thought that this was why so many people complained about disliking their doctors, but when he met Tiffany, well, things changed.

Tiffany was a hard-working doctor, she had potential. This potential was clear to Ethan, as it was clear to most people. Every patient she treated with care, and even if they would burp and be rude, or would lie about their lives she didn't care. She just wanted each of them to go home happy and healthy and make full recoveries from whatever troubled them. Even if this meant finding loopholes for patients who couldn't afford treatments, or working herself crazy to find out whatever these patients had. On that certain day, if it wasn't for Ethan, Tiffany most likely would have been working till she dropped dead.

Ethan didn't like to admit it but he cared about her, so he generally kept an eye on her because he never wanted to see her sick, or sad. The previous day he had worked a relatively small shift, and when he came back the next day to see Tiffany in the same scrubs zipping around the hospital he knew she had not rested. His mission was to get her to rest, no matter what. He saw Jackie clocking on when he walked in, so naturally went to ask a few questions. "Dr Varma, can we have a word," Ethan's voice echoed out. Multiple doctors and nurses who were standing close by looked at Jackie with solemn eyes like she was about to get berated, although Jackie herself was barely functioning, and without a second look followed Ethan to his office.

He opened the door for her and Jackie flopped onto the chair across from his, large black coffee in hand. 'So, what exactly did you call me to your office for,' Jackie asked, in an 'I give no fucks right now' kinda voice, "Well Ms. Varma, you are still roommates with Tiffa- Dr. Lorelli, right?" Jackie's head nodded slowly as she took another long sip of her coffee. "Well, did Lorelli go home last night, has she slept in the last 24 hours is what I'm asking," and as if magic Jackie perked up at his words, her tired non-functioning face was now an amused one. "Well Dr. Ramsey, wouldn't you like to know. Hold up, Ethan, do you care about her?" Her words poked at him and he felt his cheeks tingle and burn. "Of course not, well I care about her but not like that, I care about all my friends, not that she is just a friend, and not that we are more than that." Ethan was rambling when Jackie stop him with the flick of her hand, "Relax Dr. Ramsey, I was just teasing you. Tiffany has been here since yesterday and as far as I'm concerned, she's had no sleep." Jackie picked up her coffee, and without looking back left to go check her first patient.

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