Monday Mornings

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"Jess, I've got to go.." Shawn frowned, "it's 10 already." He kissed my forehead and grabbed his jacket. "Okay.." I groaned and grabbed his hand before he could leave, "I love you." He gently squeezed my hand, "I know.. But I love you more." He whispered and twirled me around. "You wish" I giggled and he gave a chuckle. "I guess all that waiting was for a reason..." Shawn smiled. "I never would've thought that you felt the same way all this time." I nodded and our lips touched again. "Me neither." I felt the tears beginning to release from my eyes, "now go, you're mum is going to kill you!" We both laughed.


Monday mornings. Who even made Monday? It's such a disgusting word and I personally think it should never be used in a civilised conversation. I let out a moan and rolled out of bed, tumbling to my feet. When I reached the bathroom, I stared into the mirror and what I saw was this awful looking girl staring back at me. I wondered over to the weighing scales and stepped on them, '9 stone 8'.

I felt my stomach churn; a 16 year old weighing nearly 10 stone? Why does Shawn even like me? I looked over to the mirror again, hating the reflection. "Jess breakfast is ready!" I heard my mum call, "Jess if you aren't ready soon you're going to be late!" I pulled the razor from the bathroom cabinet, "I'm not hungry." I replied.


When I was ready, I ran downstairs, ignoring my mum. I heard Shawn's knock, grabbed my bag and hurried out of the door.

"Hey" Shawn said, but his voice made me happy, which made me want to cry even more.. If that makes sense. "Jess, what's wrong?" He asked lightly. I considered my answer, "how can you love me?" I questioned, "look at me." And the tears ran down my cheeks, "what do you mean Jess?" He started to cry too. "how can you love me?" I repeated and he shook his head. "Jess you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met, inside and out. I love you so much. Please tell me what's wrong." He pleaded. I wiped away his tears, "I am disgusting" I sobbed and he pulled me into his arms. "Jess." he soothed "Jess, you're so beautiful.."

Everything felt okay.


"Hey." Shawn said as he placed an apple onto his tray. "Are you alright?"
I looked deep into his eyes, "I can't remember the last time I was." I admitted, taking his hand in mine. "But you make me feel so much better." He frowned, "Jess, I don't understand-"
"We'll talk about it later." I assured, "but anyway, science next right?" He rolled his eyes and groaned "unfortunately." A smile spread across his face, "but at least I'm sat next to the best girl ever."
I giggled, "oh so you're cheating on me?" and he started to tickle me, "yeah I am actually, with this girl named Jess. God she's gorgeous and she's so intelligent. She is the one." He beamed. "Well I guess we're equal. There's this boy named Shawn, he's the most amazing person I've ever met and he's really attractive. He has the most beautiful voice that makes me feel better when I'm sad. I'm sure that he is the love of my life."

Reality: A Shawn Mendes Fan-FicWhere stories live. Discover now