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I bounced home the thought of getting coffee with my new 'friend' buzzing through my mind and the soft whistle of the autumn air filling my hair and swishing past my legs. the weekend and holidays were almost over but I was determined to make the most of it as much as I could. I swung open the apartment door and slumped my bag on the ground next to the door. "I'm home!" I chirped hearing a welcome back from delta as I slipped off my black shoes. I walked into the living room to find delta on the sofa eating some caramel ice cream. "want some?" she said monotonously, her eyes didn't move off of the screen in front of her. "what happened?" I asked as the tv showed the image of a man with pink hair dead in the street. "apparently they found the boss of that huge mafia that runs around here. since he died people have been saying the drug trades been down. kinda spooky if you ask me" she shrugged and placed the tub of ice cream in the center of the middle cushion as I came back with a spoon. "oh right, so do you think the mafias going to be down for good now?" I spoke again softer this time as I dug out another spoonful of ice cream. "no I don't think so, think of it this way, that mafia is like the hydra from Heracles trials. you cut off its head another grows back, you see what I'm getting at? the boss might be dead but that doesn't mean there's not a new one." I hummed in understanding and carried on eating. the ice cream was smooth and almost half melted but I didn't care delta was offering so I took it up.

"I got a date," I said excitedly attempted to change the aura in the room, I certainly didn't like the vibe created in the studio that day. she snapped her head up at me. "wait really?" her bubblegum locks bounced like their namesake. her eyes seemed to sparkle as she asked the next question disregarding the dairy treat in front of her. "who is it? do I know them? what's their name?" she bounced from question to question not giving me any time to reply. "alright alright, he told me he knows you, his name is ghiaccio" I sort of bit my lip once I saw her face drop. "you have a date with ghiaccio?" I nodded feeling like I was intruding on something. "what are you two? college friends? family members? siblings? old lovers?" I made every assumption under the sun before coming to the conclusion there was some sort of tension there. "you're not going" she said simply sitting back in her seat and scooping some more ice cream. "what? come on del, he's really nice, no matter what tension you two have I'm going"

she looked at the floor, "look you have no idea who he is do you? when did you even meet him?" she questioned with furrowed brows. "at the cafe, several times, and that's the whole point of the date to get to know each other" I raised my voice a little to get the point across. "besides your not my mother, I can handle myself you know this" I huffed taking one more scoop of the ice cream and walking to my room.

b u z z b u z z

I peeked over to my phone that was laid on my bedside table a text from a new number. I looked at the text to find a message reading 'hi y/n its ghiaccio about coffee, hows tomorrow at two?" I smiled at the number a little sensation of uneasiness settling in but it was ultimately ignored as I named the contact bubblegum curls <3 and texted back. 'that's absolutely fine with me, where do you want to meet?' i placed my phone on the side and undressed before taking a hot shower and tucking in to go to sleep. I checked my phone before sleeping and replied to  'bubblegum curls<3' text. 'how does the coffee shop next to the museum sound?' i sent a thumbs up and a goodnight message before slowly drifting off.

--------------a time skip brought to you by my indecisiveness---------------

I woke up the next morning to the sound of birds tweeting and knocking on my door. "hey y/n" delta called out, her voice was sympathetic and soft. "yeah what is it?" I asked groggily. "i- am sorry" I tilted my hair opening the door to see a tired delta with mascara running down her cheeks. "I'm so so sorry" I shockingly held her cheeks. "hey hey what's the matter? I asked pulling her into a hug. she shakily breathed into my shoulder. "please don't go to that date" she sobbed squeezing me a little tighter. I sighed. "I'm so worried for you y/n please I don't want to lose you" I was so confused as to why she was so upset. "look I understand that, but you have to understand I'm going to be fine delta. I patted her on the back and left her standing in the doorway as I went to shower and dress.

after about an hour of decisions, I picked out a little orange dungaree dress a white buttondown shirt to go underneath, some little brown boots with gold buckles and a white scarf  to match. "Looks good" I dressed and looked in the mirror smiling before adding some makeup, a little blush and some eyeliner nothing much. I added some warm toned lipstick to pull it all together and smiled. "I look cute" I smiled at myself as I placed my hands on my hips. "Wow it's still only eleven" I smiled at myself and went down to the kitchen to make some food. "Hmmm waffles maybe?" I pulled out some frozen sweet waffles and put them in the oven while I struggled to open the bottle of syrup. "Damn it all guess I'll go without" I sighed. Waiting for the waffles to be done I went to my room and pulled out a little ukulele.

"Sorry I didn't kiss you"
"But it's obvious I wanted to"
"Bubble gum down my throat and it's a curse"
"But my love couldn't get any worse"

I strummed the tiny guitar and sung softly at the open window.

"Cuz I swallowed the bubblegum"
"Oh and these seven years will be pretty dumb"
"Pink flowers grow from my skin"
"Peptobismol veins and die grin"

I played a little instrumental and hummed along to the tune the notes stuck all the way in my head.

"You look so nice in her shirt"
"It's sad because it just hurts"
"I'd do any thing for you"
"But would you do that for me too?"
"Cuz I swallowed the bubblegum"
"Oh and these seven years will be pretty dumb"
"Oooh pink flowers grow from my skin"
"Ohhh peptobismol veins and -"

I was cut off by the ringing of the little egg timer I'd set. "Guess that's enough bubblegum for today." I went over serving up the plain waffles and eating them on the sofa. The museum cafe was still a good ways away so I turned to delta told her I was
Waving and did just that, I grabbed my keys my phone,my scarf, my money and my bag and left for the museum to go get some coffee with the man I'd just met.


(Delta PoV)

I watched the sun creep over the edge of the trees on the mountain a little ways away from the city. I huffed sitting up and looking at my little purple planner on my bedside. it was one that y/n had gotten a year ago for my birthday. I flipped to the day and looked at all the events I had planned. as I was reading my phone buzzed jolting me a little as I picked it up and looked at the unknown contact. "weird" I spoke, I wasn't expecting a call this early, especially not from an unknown caller. I sighed pressing the green button and speaking into the phone. "hello?" I skimmed through my work for the day as I waited for a voice on the other end. "hello?" I said again. I waited for a little before freezing on the spot. a deep cold voice sounded back. I knew it all too well. "delta" I stared aimlessly into the wall opposite me as that voice called out to me.


Boo I'm back, my schedules been so all over the place, someone in my school year ended up getting rona and I've been working from home for most of it but good news!
My commissions are now open they only go by pay pal and dm me for info but there's my shameless self plug. Other than that I don't have much to say other than I like pretty good for a dead bitch but hey

Song- bubblegum by Clairo
It's a good song and they're a great artist so go check em out.

Anyway luv yas bye <3

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