Heart in the Ocean

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Very sorry about the shortness of this chapter


Swimming over to he guard Harry expected him to wake him up, yell a him or something. But he pushed him away so he floated into a different cell and pressed 'lock'

Guessing that he heard Harry's "what the fuck?" Comment the merman released Harry's cell door.

Jumping back at the loud 'clink' Harry was even more focused on finding out who this person was.

" if you want out alive Harry. You will listen to me carefully, do not try and find Louis, when I open the door follow he corridor, then go east. Continue the path until there's a green door on the 3rd right. Swim too the surface as fast as you can and find your way to shore"

"I can't leave Louis"

"Louis is doing something of his own right now" flipping the switch the entrance flung open.

"Leave now, you must go"

"But, I.. Who are you" Harry stuttered, hesitating wih his move forward.

"You'll find out soon enough" the merman sounded sincere.

And with those parting words Harry swam speedily down the corridor, after heading east Harry figured he should probably work on his trust issues. He doesn't have problems with gaining trust. No. He gives it away freely. Well it's worked out so far Harry thought upon seeing he green door.

With a push and a shove, Harry found himself swimming upwards with only slight glances to where he'd left from.

Breaking through the clear blue surface Harry pushed his curls away from his face and looked towards the shore line.

He must have just drifted closer to shore because Harry certainly didn't swim.

He waited for Louis, he had no idea if Louis was even looking for him. But, he didn't want to just. Leave. He wanted to talk to Louis to hold him, anything.

The water got more ruff and Harry lost track of how long he'd been floating. Eventually he realised he couldn't stay in the water anymore. Harry couldn't shake the sadness that took over deep inside him. He felt so much in his core but mostly he felt alone, empty. Like Louis was the warmth and the glow that emerged from him.

As Harry reached he shore line, laying on a the sand body half covered in water. Turning over, breathing heavily he leant up on his elbows and looked down to his tail. After a few moments Harry lifted him self more onto the sand, slowly the water only reached the tip of his fin, and with a final push, Harry saw his legs return and his tail vanish.

Wiggling his very pruned toes, he pulled his legs up and put his arms around his knees, looking far out to the sea where his heart was left.He must have just drifted closer to shore because Harry certainly didn't swim.

He waited for Louis, he had no idea if Louis was even looking for him. But, he didn't want to just. Leave. He wanted to talk to Louis to hold him, anything.

The water got more ruff and Harry lost track of how long he'd been floating. Eventually he realised he couldn't stay in the water anymore. Harry couldn't shake the sadness that took over deep inside him. He felt so much in his core but mostly he felt alone, empty. Like Louis was the warmth and the glow that emerged from him.

As Harry reached he shore line, laying on a the sand body half covered in water. Turning over, breathing heavily he leant up on his elbows and looked down to his tail. After a few moments Harry lifted him self more onto the sand, slowly the water only reached the tip of his fin, and with a final push, Harry saw his legs return and his tail vanish.

Wiggling his very pruned toes, he pulled his legs up and put his arms around his knees, looking far out to the sea where his heart was left.


The first signs of night were the reason Harry knew he had to go home, Louis hadn't appeared like Harry had hoped. Three hours went by so quick for Harry, on the fourth he felt the chill in he air turning so much colder, by the 6th hour Harry was practically shaking, moving his fingers and toes to keep his blood flowing.

He wasn't naked. He got up a few minutes after getting his legs back and desired to test them, he found his clothes on the sand, sitting in a neat pile beside the pier.

Harry's eyes were heavy but his skin was so chilled they opened involuntarily. Standing up with shivers running down his spine as the air creeped into all places left with mild heat.

"Sorry" was all that Harry muttered before he started running to his house, his joints slightly stiff and the cold affecting his stamina but Harry battled on, reaching his house and turning the door handle. He door being locked meant Harry knocked loudly for a few moments before having to bend over, puffing and gulping air and grasping tightly into his knees. He heard the light thump of feet rushing down stairs, light filling the windows and a key sliding into he lock of the door.

"Harry! Where the hell have you been? My god! You were meant to be back for your tea hours ago, it's bloody 11 clock and you have school. Get your arse inside this house right now!"

His mother shut the door so hard it could have shook the whole house. The lock turned hand his mother grabbed he back of his neck before recoiling.

" Harry your freezing? Why? Go upstairs get into you Pjs and warm up! Once your warm I want you to brush your teeth and then you can sleep"

Harry gave her an exasperated look in return.

" don't look at me like that! Just because you came back from a trip round the tundra, doesn't mean you can forget basic Hygiene!"

Following his mums instructions Harry was soon conked out on the bed, his heart aching and his eyes watery.

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