Emerged in Water

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"Hey there pretty boy" Louis placed his wet hands on Harry's knees and grinned up a him.

"Hey Lou" Harry replied still blushing at Louis greeting. After a few minutes of smiling at each other Louis asked Harry how his day was.

"Eh, it was ok. Much better now though" Louis' grin widens  

"How so?"

"You know... I'm with you" Harry added, looking down at his lap. Louis could feel himself beam at Harry.

"I love being with you too Harry! Since we met all I've been thinking about is seeing your beauty again, I feel as though my minds image doesn't do you justice. I want you to come everywhere I go and be by my side every second, I'm so excited! When will I get to show you my home? Soon? Oh, let it be soon" Louis splashed Harry repeatedly without meaning to, conveying he realness of his excitement.

"Lou, I'd like to spend every second with you too, you.. You make my life seem brighter" Harry chuckled " don't you live under the sea somewhere? I'm sorry Lou, I'm not like you I can stay under water that long and well, if I tried the waters too unpredictable" Louis face displayed confusion before a bemused smirk appeared on his face.

"Harry, you don't have to worry. You can be like me you just have to want to. We connected when I saved you, with a little soul nudge from me and willingness from you, your beauty will radiate the sea, and as for he water. I saved you once, and I will always protect you from anything. If you trust me?"

Reaching out his hand as he slightly shook in the water, Harry looked at Louis golden skin and gentle features as Louis words sunk in. With Louis in the water the sea didn't look to frightening to Harry, it looked enticing. Squinting at the sun in his eyes and shaking his curls out of his face, Harry slowly placed his hand in louis and smiled like he won a marathon.

"I have to be back before tea time though" Harry added with humour and truth. He didn't want his mum to worry. Holding Harry's hand for a small amount of time, believing in his trust Louis started to pull the connection. Leaning up and placing his hand on Harry's neck he felt their connection pulse and warm up, looking deep into Harry's golden green eyes, Louis felt he signal he needed. Harry's want. Gently placing his lips on Harry's he felt the finality and knew that Harry was now able to join him their essence's in-twined, the feeling bubbled deep inside him and he smiled into the kiss.  

Harry had never felt so warm and enchanted than when Louis lips caressed his. He felt Louis releasing his lips and a smile was obvious on his features.

"What now? I grow gills? A tail?" Harry wondered out loud looking down at his body.

"A tail? yes, gills? I hope not, it won't happen till your emerged in the water so what do you say? Swim with me?" With a happy yes, Harry breathed deeply, felt the wind in his hair and jumped into Louis outstretched arms.

"Oh my starfish" Louis spoke to himself a he saw Harry's transformation. Harry's shirt seemed to deteriorate as his legs became smooth and silk like, within the blink of an eye Harry's tail replaced his legs and his skin seemed to glow. Harry's tail was the mixture of the green of his eyes and he blue of louis. A gorgeous turquoise. The curls seemed to act like a luscious halo but his torso screamed devilish.  

Louis was astounded. When did Harry get so sculptured and fit? How was this fair? There was only so much Louis could take and the v-lines, 6 pack and hidden hips were beyond that.

"Lou? Oh god Lou? I'm a freaking mermaid, this is so freaking weird! Wait... Can you hear me? Can we talk underwater? Lou? Louis?" 

Laughter burst out of Louis chest. Harry's eyebrows rose up before realising how silly his ramblings were.  

"You twat! Yes you can talk, yes I can hear you and babe, you do have a tail. You even more so beautiful as a merman" Louis ended breathlessly. Leaning his hand out to feel Harry's curls and just look at the boy, Louis noticed the rose colour on Harry's cheeks.

"Beautiful, why not handsome or something more, manly" 

"Because Harry, handsome can be told to any lad and be meant slightly, but beauty, true beauty can only be meant once in a blue moon. That's what you are Harry a rare and true beauty"

Harry stared in wonder of Louis words, Harry wouldn't disagree that perhaps his features were considered rather pretty, but this beauty that Louis spoke of wasn't him. It was Louis himself.

Louis thumb rubbed soothingly against Harry's forehead before moving down to feel his cheekbones, moving further down to soothe where Harry's dimple was hidden before slowly reaching up to lay on Harry's bottom lip. Sucking in a breath and looking in Louis eyes, Harry softly pressed a kiss to Louis thumb. Within seconds Louis face became closer to Harry's and both sets of eyes fluttered closed. Their foreheads touched and rested against each other before Louis opened his eyes. Harry's beauty was so subtle and pure to Louis. As Harry's eyes fluttered open Louis placed a gentle kiss on Harry's left cheek . Smiles on both faces were small and meant for themselves but both were noticed.

"Come on then beautiful, let me show you my world"  

With that, Louis captured Harry's hand as he swam to the place he knew so well.


The sea was sight to behold but with Louis little comments he couldn't imagine it being horrible. Harry listened as Louis told story's of when he was younger and what stupid things he was caught doing over there and when he was found over somewhere west. Harry listened with a smile on his face and Louis warm hand in his. When Louis turned round his face alight and his eyes shimmering the moment was precious. Harry would lose 50 of his previous memories if he got to hold on to this one.

Harry knew he'd arrived in some place important just from looking at the massive building. Louis didn't seem to want to slow down at any point do they arrived at the front gate quickly.  

"Ahh master Louis, welcome back. Will you be joining the feast this evening ?" Paul (the head of Below Security) asked politely. 

"Yes I shall be! Paul this is my Harry" Louis said as Harry and Paul shook hands. Harry's shyness was apparent as he stuck to Louis side like a tattoo.

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