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| September 11, 2117 |

| Saturday |

| 1:34 |

It was raining in Groston. Chilly drops of water splattered against anything and everything that wasn't able to be shielded. The ground, cars, unlucky people who decided to leave home without an umbrella. The sky, which was usually a bit lighter at this time, was darkened from the rain clouds. But the lights of the sleepless city made up for the stormy darkness.

If one was close enough to the ground, they would hear the honking of horns and the bustling of neverending crowds mixed with the harsh rain. It was usually a calming ambience, especially that distant chatter.

Come to think of it, people were always on the streets. Well, unless it was two to four in the morning or lightning. Those were the times the smallest amount of people lingered. Otherwise, they ran the streets even with the raindrops. Those droplets came down with such force it hurt to be pelleted by them. Not that it mattered to Mary.

The woman sat at one of the apartment's windows that was opened, allowing any rain to get inside. Around her was a thick duvet that was taken from her daughter's bed. The smell of Love's perfume and lotion mixed with the detergent Mary used on the laundry (vanilla, honey, and lavender) was smothered by the aroma of the warm mug of herbal tea in her hands.

Funny thing is, the tea was supposed to calm her, but all she could do was be restless with worry. Any minute she was expecting a phone call from that blasted devilish professor telling her that Love somehow perished during the surgery. That the woman's lab rat was gone because of their fuck up.

Just the thought of it all caused her grasp on the mug to tighten. Any tighter and she swore she could shatter the damned thing. Not that it would matter. Nothing else but her child mattered right now. Yet she couldn't even do a thing for her.

Her hands shook, not only from the cold of the rain the managed to splash on them but from the anxiety. Everything was going wrong and dammit! Dammit, she was failing as a mother! Well, she was in her eyes.

She was supposed to protect Love and make sure not a single hand was laid upon her. But what happened? She left the girl home alone which was her first mistake. That mistake caused this all. It caused Love to have a run-in with a criminal, her to get shot, her to be attacked by a parasite and then to be tested on in her coma just because some woman found her as a victim to that thing and her case intriguing.

Mary should've known the city was too dangerous for Love. The moment she saw Love's blood, which admittedly would raise questions by just the sight, she knew trouble would come. There would be doctors wanting to test it, trying to come up with an answer as to why it was an off red colour and not a rich red, or why it was a slightly thicker consistency.

The nurses and doctors that were there during Love's birth only confirmed her suspicions. She was fortunate enough that they were easily bribed. One talk with that doctor and her whole paycheck later, that doctor silenced those in relation to the birth. But that was back then, this was now.

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