soulmates... no time for that.

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Shinsou looked up at the guy, absolutely in shock. he had never seen colors before, obviously. But somehow he knew what they were. He could see the pretty golden eyes, the pale skin, the brown dirt staining his pants. He could see the zombie blood on him, he could tell he had been fighting.

"Wait wait wait." The red head said, shocked, "This guy is your soulmate? This random fucking dude we found running from zombies and- and might have a zombie bite?!" His eyes travelled to Shinsou's shoulder.

Shinsou gulped, "I-it's not a zombie bite. I got caught on a fence." He explained, mouth feeling dry.

A pink haired girl looked at him, "Yeah, guys, that's way too clean to be a zombie bite." She said, nodding, "he's telling the truth." 

Shinsou looked at them nervously. Were they gonna hurt him?! He anxiously backed up, looking at them, fear in his eyes.

Denki looked down at the guy who he know knew was his soulmate. Pretty lavender hair, with purple eyes that stared at them in fear. he was really skinny, in a ripped jacket that had the shoulder torn out, with his shoulder bleeding pretty badly. He looked almost dead, actually. Denki frowned at the hockey stick the guy was holding, "Is that all you have to protect yourself?" Denki asked, worried.

Shinsou nodded, "I-I have a gun, but I wasn't able to get more ammo, and I-i don't really know how to use it.."

Denki looked at Bakugou and Kirishima, "Please. He's gotta come with us. He's.. He's my soulmate, we have to help him."

"He's already half fucking dead, look at him." Bakugou said roughly, "He looks like he's been starving for weeks, plus that cut? Does it look like we have the supplies to fix that, Kaminari?!"

"We do! You're being fucking stingy." Denki argued, "Please. Bakugou, please, I beg of you."

Bakugou clenched his fists angrily, "Fine, damn it! But you take all the responsibility , got it?" Bakugou growled, "You're taking care of him and shit because I'm not risking all of us for some fucking guy we just met, soulmate or not."

Denki sighed and nodded, "Okay, Okay, that's fine!" he said. He looked at the purple headed boy, "What's your name? And can you grab your stuff?"

Shinsou hesitated, "I'm Shinsou Hitoshi... And Y-Yes, I can." He sat the hockey stick down, and went back up the ladder , grabbing a filthy backpack and a gun, that was empty, according to him, plus a ripped blanket.

"Is that all you have?" Denki asked.

Shinsou nodded, "I've been by myself for a while.."

Denki smiled kindly, "Come on then. We've managed to hold the zombies off for now, they shouldn't come in here. Apparentally there's somebody else down the road, but for now, we gotta go." He said, "Can you run?"

Shinsou nodded, "I had to run back here, didn't I?" he said, before putting the back pack on his shoulders and getting ready.

Kirishima stuck his head outside, looked around, "We're clear. Run!"

We took off. Shinsou was to the back of the group, not as fast because of the weight of the backpack. Denki was right with him, anxiously trying to hurry him. They weren't way too far from the treehouse. 

Denki grabbed his hand, making him go a little faster as they heard grunts behind them, "Motherfucking bastards!" Denki cursed at the zombies, throwing something behind him. Shinsou looked in confusion at the bag that left Denki's hand as they ran.

"Bags of meat." Denki explained as they ran, panting, "Yeah it may be cruel, but the bodies around here are already dead, so taking meat from them to ward off the zombies is how we're surviving."

Shinsou nodded, panting.

They finally made it to a large tree with a treehouse. Denki sighed in relief as they all climbed up the ladder, and collasped, panting. Bakugou pulled the ladder up, "Good thing you're little rescue mission didn't cost us anything, Kaminari." He growled.

Denki huffed, looking at him, "Dude, I helped us. When we help Shinsou get better-"

"When you help him." Bakugou interrupted, "We aren't doing shit." Kirishima and Mina looked at him, frowning, but Sero nodded, "yeah, dude, we barely have the supplies for ourselves, much less some random dude we found."

Denki gritted his teeth, "Alright. When I help him, " He corrected himself, "he could be a valuable asset. Honestly he's pretty fast, not to mention the weight he had on him." He said.

Shinsou listened to them talk as if he wasn't there. he didn't blame them, honestly, he wouldn't have helped a random guy. But he was thankful to his new... friend? Soulmate? Fellow Survivor? He doubted there was anytime for Soulmates in a zombie apocolypse.

"Well, fix him up, damn it. The flies are gonna get him." Bakugou rolled his eyes, handing over the first aid kit.

Denki nodded and got to work. Shinsou looked away, feeling awkward. He winced , and finally they were done. Denki smiled at him, "it must've been a hard day for you, why don't you get some rest?" He said gently.

Shinsou nodded and laid down, closing his eyes. He felt much safer up here, with people, despite the glares he felt on his back as he drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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