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Y/N's POV:

I fell asleep quickly that night, I was exhausted. My mind shut off and I had a very very weird dream. It was me when I was older, and some guy. He looked familiar, his facial features were familiar. Maybe I was seeing the future or maybe it was a coincidence, but we had a full family together. There were two children, Trixie (or Trix), and Bryce. They were running around our house. It was near a beach, and we had a gorgeous balcony where you could stare down at the sea on. The furniture was mostly white, cream and some bits of black. It was neat and clean, it seemed lovely.

The next morning, I woke up and got changed. I put on a short skirt under my robe, along with a shirt, blouse and my Hufflepuff tie. My curves shown off beautifully, and I brushed my hair into a high ponytail. As I blinked on some mascara, my friends began talking. I didn't bother to listen but I got out my wand. I hated applying eyeliner, so I used a quick spell to make it winged perfectly. I went into the bathroom, sprayed some perfume on me and then brushed my teeth. I waited for my friends, then we walked down the stairs and out of the common room. We walked up the stairs, as the familiar smell of breakfast hit our nostrils.

The kitchen had a warm smell along with it, and I inhaled through my nose. We walked up the steps and eventually saw the Great Hall. We walked through and, as usual, the professors weren't there. We all walked over to the Hufflepuff table and sat down. I grabbed a piece of toast and buttered it, slowly taking bites. Michelle stared at me maliciously, and I raised my eyebrows. She stared at me, then looked to my side. I looked to my side and I realised I was sat next to Cedric. I rolled my eyes and slowly began to put my hand on his thigh. He looked at me and slowly bit his bottom lip, then turned back to his friends. I slowly slid my hand further up until it was just over the fabric of his dick. He carried on acting like I wasn't doing anything so I began rubbing over his pants. He bit his lip but I could hear the tiniest moan escape his mouth. I smirked and removed my hand, turning back to Michelle and my other friend. 

She chuckled slightly, then bit her lip as she looked at him. I shrugged at this and carried on eating my toast. Once breakfast was over, I walked to my first class; Muggle Studies. Hailey had it too, and so did my friend who I wasn't very close with: Leyla. We waved bye to Michelle and began walking. When we got there, I looked on the board. Something about 'Maths'. I took a seat. The professor began talking, and it intrigued me a lot. Division, fractions, multiplication and more was what the lesson contained. The rest of the day was normal. Except, on multiple occasions, I caught Cedric piercing glares through my body hotly. For my last lesson, none of my friends had it and it was just me. I noticed only one spare seat; next to Cedric. I groaned and carried my books over with me. 

He fixed a glare on me but looked away quickly. I was beginning to open my textbook when I felt something on my thigh. I turned to face Cedric and realised his hand was on my thigh. I didn't remove it though. I had to make him believe I liked him, right? I tilted my head to the side, showing off my neck slightly. I saw him bite his lip, then his hand slowly travelled further up my thigh until I felt it over the lace of my underwear. I felt him push it aside, and luckily our desks had some wood over the front so nobody could see under, and we were at the back. As one of his fingers slowly began circling my clit, I bit my lip roughly to hold back a moan. He used his ring finger to slide into my clit. I moaned softly into my mouth, but luckily it was barely hearable. He inserted another finger and began pulling them in and out. I covered my mouth as I moaned, but luckily it was, again, almost silent. He pulled them out and a devilish smirk spread across his face. He pushed my lace underwear back to normal and didn't speak to me for the rest of the lesson; not even bothering to help make the potion.

A/N: I feel like writing multiple short ones is easier for me because if I wrote one long one, I'd get really distracted and it would be sorta shit :)

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