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( look how SMOL!1!1!)

Authors pov

Jungkook had brought Yoongi to the first aid room to help him with his wound but there was no nurse. The younger then did it himself and disinfected the wound, plus putted an cold ice pack against the purple bruise on Yoongi's ribs. After that was done they both went to their own friends on the playground 一Jungkook went to his friends but Yoongi has none.一

Yoongi was sitting alone on a bench and listened to some music. Love Lockdown -Kanye West

 Love Lockdown -Kanye West

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(my editing skills #2)

He moved his lips on the lyrics of the song, closing his eyes and didn't notice someone come sitting beside him on the bench.

"What song are you listening to?" The other asked, looking at Yoongi. But the boy didn't hear him, so the other one plugged out the ear-plug and asked again. Yoongi immediately started blushing and showed his phonescreen to reveal the song he was listening to.

"You love Kanye West?" The boy asked, Yoongi nodding in response.

"Me too, I'm Hoseok by the way"

"I'm Yoongi" he answered and smiled at him.

Hoseok smiled back at him and saw how shy he was. "I saw what happened in the cafeteria, are you okay?" The younger asked in concern. "Yeah Jungkook h-". The older was interrupted by Hoseok.

"Don't ever trust Jungkook"

sorry for short chapter x

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