Coffeeshop Au

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Akaashi was stuffing his hands deep inside his pockets to shelter them from the freezing wind. There were even some snowflakes falling down.

Of course, he had to forget his scarf and gloves exactly at this day. He had been quite in a rush leaving his dorm so he wouldn’t be late for his first morning lecture.  Now he had some free time and he was planning on going to the coffee shop he always went to. But when he arrived there, disappointment and annoyance struck through him. A note saying “We had to close the shop for the next two weeks due to an inspection. After that we are going to be there for you again. Wishing you blessed and peaceful Christmas.” was hanging on the door.

Akaashi only huffed at the sight of this note. Why exactly now? Couldn’t have that wait for a while? Sure, he knew he was kind of selfish, but his day wasn't so great anyway.

“Guess I’ll have to look out for another coffee shop” mumbled Akaashi to himself. He started wandering through the small town trying to find another shop where he could rest and warm himself up. He was near giving up when a small shop caught his eyes. It seemed cosy and the smell of fresh brewed coffee and hot chocolate dwelled from there to where he was standing.

Guess I'm giving it a try.

When he opened the door a little bell rang and he looked around, enjoying the whole atmosphere. In a corner some students were sitting in a booth and some other people were scattered around the tables. Akaashi decided to sit on a table right next to the window. While sitting down he laid  his jacket over the seat and took his notebooks out of his backpack. He could feel how he slowly began to heat up.

The only thing that’s missing now is-

“Hello and welcome my name is Bokuto I am going to be your waiter what can I get for….” Suddenly the energetic voice stopped and Akaashi looked up. He was met with two nearly golden looking eyes. He was awestruck. He also noticed the two-coloured hair which made him kind of look like an owl.

He is so cute!

Bokutos pov

He is so cute!

That's also what Bokuto's first impression of Akaashi was. He had heard the bell and had gone to the table without even really looking who that person was. He had started with his usual introduction when he finally looked up. And he was met with the sight of one of the most beautiful human beings he ever met. Strands of his hair were  falling into his face matching his beautiful eyes perfectly. His nose and cheeks seemed to be red from the cold wind outside which made  him look even cuter.

Come on Bokuto you are starring at him stop that!

“Sorry I was just taken a back from your beauty” Great now you are flirting with him, sassed the voice inside of his head.

The stranger just blushed in response and mumbled, “May I have a hot chocolate please.”

“Sure thing.” He is so cute when he blushes.

Flustered boy pov (aka Akaashi)

The waiter stared at him for a few more  seconds, then shook his head and gave him a wink. The student felt more heat rising to his cheeks and quickly turned away so the other boy wouldn't notice it. From the corner of his eyes he could see the boy walking behind the counter starting to prepare the hot chocolate.

Pull yourself together Akaashi he probably does that to everyone.

Right. He was here to warm himself up and go through his notes again, not to look at hot guys. Nevertheless, he couldn't stop himself from looking at the boy behind the counter one more time.

After a few minutes he got tired of rereading his notes, so he just looked out of the window where the snow began to fall faster and soon covered the streets and paths. While seeing this image, Akaashi got lost in his thoughts. He was interrupted by a welcomed voice.

“Here is your hot chocolate,” the waiter said and put down the cup in front of him. It smelled like heaven. “And here,...” Bokuto added while putting down a plate next to the cup ” a muffin for you.”

“This must be a mistake, I didn't order one”. A confused look was plastered on his face.

“Don't worry it's on me.” Replied the owl boy and winked at him again.

So maybe he really IS flirting with me. Great and now I'm blushing again. What should I do?

“Thanks,” was everything he finally managed to say. “No Problem. What's your name by the way?”
“Akaashi.” He should really stop answering in such short sentences so he wouldn't be mistaken as rude but he hadn't been prepared to meet such a hot guy.
“Well that's a beautiful name for a beautiful person, Agaaashee.”

Sure, the nickname was kind of stupid but the energy and smile that he got from Bokuto was just worth it. And just like that he had to smile too.

Bokutos pov

My god how can one person be so beautiful, cute and hot at the same time. His smile is everything.

“Let me know if you need anything else” It was hard to turn away from Akaashi who just nodded and smiled at him but sadly he had other people to serve too.

He was so caught up in his work from there on, that he only looked up when the bell rang again. The last thing he saw was a mob of black hair. His gaze shifted immediately to the place where Akaashi sat. But he wasn't there anymore. Disappointment and sadness struck through him. He hadn't been able to give him his number. But maybe it was better like this, who knows if Akaashi would've taken a number from a stranger anyway.

Slowly he walked to the table to clean it and collect the money that had been left there. Suddenly a jolt of happiness filled Bokutos whole body. Not only did Akaashi leave a big tip but there was also a number written on the napkin. He took out his phone saved the number and wrote a message.

Bokuto- Thanks for the tip Akash. ;-) <3
                                                                          Akaashi-Stop it with that nicknames.

Bokuto- Admit it. You like them.
                                                                          Akaashi- Whatever.
                                                                          Akaashi- <3

So here it is. My second one shot. I really hope you liked it.
I know that a coffee shop au is kind of cliche like. Nevertheless I always love reading them and therefore I also wanted to try one myself. Let me know if you liked it.

Again a huge thanks to my Beta readers.

Take care!
I wish you a wonderful Christmas time. 😊

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