- chapter 1 • red paint -

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a/n: hello to everyone who's decided to read my crappy writing! This is one of my new works that I've decided to work on. Hopefully my writings gotten better since the last work I did- probably not! Well have fun reading!


The light paints stroked across the white canvas, softly and smooth. The brush swiped gently across the canvas, making colors blend and swirl together. It was mesmerizing to watch.

A light tap touched the boy's shoulder. The brush slipped and made a red streak across the beautiful blend, ruining it all.

"Oh.. sorry Akaashi.." The boy mumbled as he lifted his finger from the startled boy.

The boy sighed, "It's alright, I didn't like the painting anyways.." He shrugged. Akaashi bent down from his chair and picked up the brush that splattered red paint onto the tile floor.

Akaashi put the brush that ruined his painting on the table next to him. He looked up and asked the boy with two-shaded hair, "Did you need anything Kenma?"

Kenma looked at him, looked at the painting again.

"I'm sorry.. again." He put his hand on the back of his head, smashing the bun of hair against his palm.

"Like I said, I didn't like it anyways! Now anyways, you came here for a reason?" Akaashi now pointed to the chair next to him.

Kenma sat down and looked at Akaashi straight in the eye.

"Your staring again." Akaashi said and poked the boy on the face. That snapped the boy back into reality. "Two things Kenma. Stop staying up so late, it's bad for your health. Also, you came here for a reason didn't you?"

Kenma's baggy eyes stared at the raven haired boy again, he cleared his throat.

"I wanted to ask how your relationship with your.. boyfriend is going."

Akaashi looked down at his feet. His ears started to ring and his eyes felt like they were being pushed back into his brain. He was slipping out of reality again.

Kenma quickly poked the boy who didn't respond on the head. "Hey Akaashi.. snap back." Kenma was worried once more.

Akaashi's head snapped upwards to face Kenma. Kenma stared at Akaashi, like he was staring into his soul.

"D-Did.. he hit you again?" Kenma stuttered as he still stared into the hurt eyes of the boy.

"W-What do you mean Kenma? He would never hit me!" Akaashi laughed while putting on his fake smile. He was trying to make himself believe the person he loved, at least he think he does, would never hurt him.

"Stop lying to yourself Akaashi." Kenma said sternly as he got up from the chair.

"Kenma stop. I'm not lying! H-He would never hurt me!" Akaashi said as he looked up while he smiled, his eyebrows crinkled as he said that. Tears glazed over the boy's eyes.

"Akaashi you need to fucking realize he's using you! He doesn't love you as you think he does!" Kenma's voice raised as he stood above the broken boy. 

"He does love me! He loves me!" Akaashi screamed back in pain. A tear rolled down his face. "He does love me.. right Kenma?"

"I-I.." Kenma's face was worried all over. He didn't mean to make him cry, he would never want that.

"Right?" Akaashi smiled in pain.


Akaashi thought he found the love of his life. It was in his first year of college, he met the boy in his art major. He was beautiful on the outside, gorgeous. But on the inside was nasty and wretched.

Akaashi and the boy soon became lovers.

It started off as any normal relationships, walks with their hands intertwined, picnics, kisses. Everything Akaashi wanted, love.

It soon crashed to the ground when the person he thought loved him started to use and abuse him mentally and physically. At first Akaashi said it didn't happen and it was all an accident.

It continued, gradually. It became worse every time. The beating became more frequent.

But Akaashi didn't want to leave him, he loved him. He was deeply in love with him even though the boy he loved was violent. He refused to get out of the relationship, no matter how much his friend told him to. It was like he was stuck in a fly trap, no matter how much he tried to get out he couldn't.


[current time]

The room echoed as the boy with black hair screamed at the boy with the bun.

"I.. just don't want you to get fucking hurt anymore Akaashi! He keeps putting his hands on you! What am I suppose to do? Just sit here and watch my friend get beaten until he's lifeless?!" Kenma screamed, a tear dripped from his chin.

Akaashi just stood there, in shock from what Kenma said. His lip quivered. Akaashi quickly bit his lower lip to stop the shaking.

"I don't know.." More tears streamed from Akaashi face.

Kenma gripped his own lip as it shook. Another tear rolled down his face, he didn't like to cry but watching his friend in pain hurt him.

Kenma took one step forward and grasped Akaashi in his grip.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to yell." Kenma apologized. Akaashi just sat there in Kenma's arms, feeling the warmth he's never gotten.

Kenma pushed Akaashi back and held his shoulders. "Anyways.. do you want to go to the volleyball game tomorrow night? I heard they're going against one of the strongest men's volleyball team!" Kenma smiled.

Akaashi stood there and nodded.

"I've got to go! I'm meeting up with my.. uhm.. friend! Please consider what I said Akaashi. Okay?" Kenma said while poking Akaashi's shoulder, it was kinda of a way they said goodbye to each other.

Akaashi's eyes darted away. He looked back up as the boy walked out of the room. The room was now empty, except for him. He looked over to his painting, it was completely ruined.

One more tear ran down his cheek. He quickly pulled his sleeve down and wiped it away. He sat down again, on the chair he was recently sitting on.

He reached his fingers to the painting and smoothly brushed his finger tips across the canvas.

'Volleyball...' Akaashi thought as his fingers were swiping against the rough surface.

After awhile of random thoughts he got up, picked up the painting and walked over to the small trash can in the corner of the room. He set it besides the bin, the bin was to small to hold such a large canvas.

He walked away and picked up his bag. Throwing it against his back and strapping it against his shoulders.

He started his way out of the art room, away from his safety zone.


a/n: new story yay! I'm sorry it started out so rough, I'm still trying to figure out how I want the story line to go. Have a great day/night or yk, whatever!

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