Natasha x Wanda

184 9 14

Steve: I see that

Bucky: nat is a hardcore lesbian, prove me wrong

Sam: hasn't she had boyfriends before though

Bucky: no shut up and listen, she's so sick of her past boyfriend's bullshit that she swears off guys forever and realizes how damn pretty girls are

Sam: like a hunter of Artemis? 

Steve: headcanon accepted, and they're both Russian right?

Sam: well technically Wanda is from Sokvia 

Bucky: and that's in Europe

Sam: have they interacted much?

Bucky: not to my knowledge? 

Steve: a bit, they fought together before the snap

Sam: hmm, I don't see it

Bucky: too bad, it's two to one

Steve: overruled buddy

Sam: just because aesthetically they look nice together you ship it??

Bucky: yes

Sam: why do I try

Bucky: dude shut up you ship Thor and Rocket

Sam: you ship DEKU and fucking MINETA give me a break

Steve: so its a yes?

Sam: no its not a fucking yes-

Bucky: I will stab you, let them have this 

Sam: >:V




Scarlet Widow final answer: kickass femslash ships are always a yes

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