kei tsukishima x reader (fluff)

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"just shut up hinata!" tsuki said out of frustration.

he was currently helping hinata and kageyama study, but with his short temper and their dumbness, everyone knew that they weren't going to learn anything.

you flinched at the sound of his tone which caught the attention of all three of the boys. you quickly smiled and waved at them. tsukishima quickly looked at you and scoffed.

"ask y/n, she is smarter than me. I dont want to teach brainless ants like you." he said.

you blushed at his comment and saw the duo walk towards you.

kageyama, blushing and clearly nervous, said "y/n, can you help us study for the tests this week?"

hinata, also nervous, looked at you with pleading eyes. you looked at tsukishima, who only smirk and pushed his glasses up. he had just set up a trap, and you have fallen right into it.

knowing that nothing can go worse, you looked at them and smiled.

"of course, meet me at the library during lunch."

the duo were surprised a beauty like you agreed to help them. they gleamed, blushed, and gasped and bowed thanking you before leaving the classroom to back to their own.

you sighed knowing it would take time and patience from the gods themselves to help them.

tsuki looked away from you, sighing knowing he just set himself for defeat. yamaguchi patted his back. not only did he have a crush on you, but so did. kageyama.

at lunch, you headed over to the library. you had your waterbottle, backpack with all your books and paper, and no lunch. you face palmed yourself, knowing that you were going to die.

still you continued to walk, but stopped after hearing a voice call after you.

"y/n you dont have to help them. just leave them." a familiar voice said.

" unlike you I can actually teach. so no thanks!" you said, not turning around.

you heard some laughter and turned around. it was asahi, suga, yamauchi, and tsukishima, all laughing together.

"good luck y/n-chan. they are like rocks. nothing will go through their heads." asahi said.

you quickly rushed over to the library, wanted to prove them wrong.

tsuki scoffed at your stubbornness. he wished you didnt take his offer to help them. it would only be harder for him to actually get you to talk to him.

the whole time at the library, you struggled to not lose patience. hinata would just not stop talking about volleyball and kageyama would not stop trying to get him to shut up.

you keeping trying to explain that english you dont have to use honorifics like in japan. he did not understand.

"if you see someone at school in america that is older than you, you just say their first name." you said for the hundredth time.

suddenly, something in hinata's brain clicked. in the next problem, everything you tried to teach in made sense. he could translate that one sentence.

you rejoiced with hinata at his success.

"how did you do that!? i thought you said you didnt get it." you said, jumping up and down.

"idk, just something clicked and it made sense! thank you y/n!" he said running of somewhere.

kageyama still was sitting down. you could tell he was frustrated from not getting it still. he was more mad about hinata getting it before him.

you giggled at him, making him look up at you.

"it's okay kageyama-kun! let's just take a break for now! come on!" you said.

the both of you walked outside into the hallway. you headed to a vending machine, with the little amount of coins you had.

you looked at the drinks in there and put your coins. you put in a number and waited for the drink to come out. but it never did.

you looked at kageyama who also seemed surprised it didnt come out.

sighing in defeat, you let kageyama get his drink.

"what drink did you want?" he asked, with his head down.

"I got the strawberry mi- wait no. dont get it for me. just get your drink." you said.

"no, let me get it."

you waved your hands in front of you, declining his offer. you stood in front of the vending machine to stop him from paying.

little did you know, someone was watching you.

"go, tsuki! go give it to her." yamaguchi said, trying to get his friend to go to you.

tsukishima stood up and started to walk over to you and kageyama. kageyama stepped closer to you to try put his coins in for your drink.

he was too close for tsukishima's liking, making him run over to you. before you could even realise how close you were to each other, tsuki grabbed your wrist and pulled you to him.

"finally" kageyama said, putting some coins for the drink.

you realize that tsuki had put you into his chest, making you deeply blush. he had his arm over your neck (not in a choking way) and his other arm holding your wrist.

kageyama turned back to you, holding out the milk carton for you. he looked at saw you in tsukishima's arms. the two giants looked at each other. tsuki having a firce look while kageyama was just straight up looking up at him. not trying to make this more awkward you held your hand out for the milk carton.

kageyama looked down at you and was about to give it to you, only for tsuki to hand you a strawberry milk carton, your favorite. you gasped as you saw the light pink carton in your hands now.

the two giants looked down at you, drinking your drink. kageyama scoffed while tsuki smirked.

" she doesnt like that brand of milk. this is her favorite." tsuki said to kageyama only to have him scoff.

as kageyama was walking off you yelled after him.

"see you next lunch, kageyama-kun!" you sweetly said.

he nodded quickly before trying to find hinata again.

tsuki tsked from above you, causing you to look up at him. tsuki looked down at you, seeing your cute doe face. he blushed at bit and tried to hide it.

"stop tutoring them." he said.

"why? you told me to help them" you said, trying to get out of his grip.

he only tightened his arms on you, too strong for you to even make him budge. he took your chin in his hand and made you look at him.

"because you are mine. and mine only. "

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