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  "Y/N, get up!" Your mom shouted. You squirm under the blankets, rubbing your  eyes. Grabbing your phone, you look at the time, realizing you're going to be late. It's your first day at U.A High School. You get up, get ready for the day, and head towards the kitchen.
The scent of bacon and eggs fill your nose. "Mom, I would love to eat right now, but I can't afford to be later than I already am." You shout, practically out the door of your  apartment complex. You practically run to school in the hopes of getting to class right on time. Sadly that didn't happen.

(Bakugou pov)
  Around 5 minutes after the bell rang, A dull looking man walked into the classroom. "Goodmorning everyone. I am Mr. Aizawa. I am going to be your teache-" Mr. Aizawa was cut off by a girl barging into the room.

(Y/N pov)
  Yo barge into the classroom you had been looking for, for the past 5 minutes. "I am *gasps* so sorry for *gasps* being late." You were out of breathe, considering you ran from your house all the way here.
Minutes had past and students introduced themselves. Then one blonde boy introduced himself "I'm Bakugou. If you haven't figured out by now, I will become the top hero. Nothing will get in my way." You stared at Bakugo for a quick minute, then made your way to him. "I wouldn't be too confident about that, Bakugou." He looked at you with anger. If looks could kill, you'd be 6 feet under.

 You walked back to the front and finally introduced yourself.  "I'm Y/N. My quirk is mind control." You didn't care to make a good impression considering you didn't care to be social with others too much. "Ok, you can be seated" You looked at Mr. Aizawa and headed to a seat near this red haired kid. If you remembered correctly his name was Kirishima. He seemed very energetic, unlike other students.
Class went on and soon it was time for lunch.  You wandered around the cafeteria looking for a place to sit, when you saw a group of girls from your class waving at, signaling you to sit with them. You took a seat at their table and they started asking you a bunch of questions.

"How are you liking it here Y/N?" All the girls stared at you, waiting for an answer. "Its cool I guess." You muttered. You get annoyed very easily. You didn't like how they wouldn't just let you eat in peace.

"You'll get used to the scenery and incase you don't remember, I'm Momo." She gave you a smile. "And I'm Uraraka, and this is Tsuyu-" "but call me Tsu!" Tsu said cutting Uraraka off.

The rest off the girls reminded you of their names, and then it was time for class once again. You weren't paying attention, but you heard Bakugo shout saying that this class useless.  "That Bakugo kid really has anger issues" you mumbled. Sadly Bakugo heard you. "SHUT IT! You think I can't hear you, Y/N?!" You rolled your eyes in annoyance, and looked back at the board, completely ingoring Mr. Anger issues.

~Time skip~

A few hours passed and it was time for you to go home. "Okay class dismissed." You stood up and headed for the door when you heard Uraraka call you.

(Uraraka pov)
You and some girls had heard about a festivity going on tomorrow night, and wanted to ask the class. "Hey Y/N, do you wanna go to that festival thing with us tomorrow? Y/N looked back at me for a while and then eventually an answer came out. "Sure." After you got the answer, you and the other girls asked the rest of the class. The class said yes, and had planned on meeting up at the park tomorrow night.

(Y/N pov)
After deciding to go the the festival, you headed home. On the way home you saw Bakugo. Without thinking you ran to catch up with him. "What's up, hot head!" He glared at you. "Shut up! You're annoying." He continued walking. "I could say the same thing about you. If you want people to like you, I suggest being nicer, though." You looked at him for a reaction. "Tch!" You both walked in silence for a while. "You going to that festival?" He turned to look at you, awaiting an answer. "Yah, I might as well. I don't have anything better to do, are you?"
"No, that stuff is lame.. Give me your phone." He reached his hand out, waiting. You looked at him confused. "You heard me." You gave him the phone and he typed something, then gave it back. Still confused,  you took your phone back and went on with a conversation. Soon enough you reached your house.  "This is my stop. Bye hot head!" Bakugo rolled his eyes and said goodbye, while you made your way into the apartment.

You got on your phone, searching for what Bakugo did to it. You went into contacts and in recents, you read "Fine Ass" You began to feel blood rush to your cheeks. "That's Bakugo for you." You smiled plopping on your bed. It soon grew late but you couldn't sleep. You sat up and pulled out a pencil and some paper and began to draw. After about twenty minutes,  you got the idea to text Bakugo.

"Hey, loser" you sent the message and waited for a response. Sadly, you never got one. With that being said, you cleared your mind and decided to try and get rest. Soon enough you fell asleep.
The next morning you grabbed your phone and saw a message from just now. "You're going to the festival with me. Meet me at the park, tonight at 5:00." It wasn't the message you were expecting, but you weren't mad about the one you received either. You read that message multiple times, becoming more and more flustered each time. You then got ready for another boring day of school.

A/n: Hi! This is my first time writing. If I made any mistakes please let me know.

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