Moving Day !! (part 2)

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word count - 979

*continuing the house tour*


THE MOVIE ROOM (also in the basement)

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THE MOVIE ROOM (also in the basement)

THE MOVIE ROOM (also in the basement)

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that's it that's our new house

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that's it that's our new house ..!!

Carson - you guys like the new house?
Me - yeah i really do like it and i love my room
Jayloni - yeah same- *gets cut off by phone ringing*
Carson - *has Jayloni's phone and reads the name outloud* daddy .... Jayloni Faith Lueders why does Ashers name in your phone say Daddy?! *really mad*
Me - ooouuu Loniiii ..... *smirks and bumps my elbow*
Jayloni - bc i have ah massive crush on him *kinda scared bc Carson is overprotective*
Carson - Loni, no Riverdale for a week!!!
Jayloni - Carson your not serious, are you?!
Carson - yes i am!! *gives Jayloni back her phone*
Me - oh shit Loni i'm sorry
Jayloni - all my stuff is unpacked except my bag i took on the plain right?
Carson - yes it is
Jayloni - good, i'll talk to you in ah week Car *storms off to my room and closes and locks the door*
Me - Carson Riverdale tho, you know that's the show her Celeb Crush is in and that's her fav, and it's just a name, she won't call him that until they date ... *makes a disappointing look at Carson*
Carson - i know i just wanna set boundaries and make sure i'm being a good brother!!
Me - yeah but that wasn't ah good move Car!!
Carson - yea ig, well it seems like i'll be getting ignored for a week
Me - im gonna go to the game room okay?
Carson - ok that's fine
Me - ok bye *goes to the basement to the pink game room*
Carson - *goes to his room*

*Carson's POV*

Ok so i'm in my room and i'm feeling bad about what i did so i want to make it up to my sister, i'll make a gc without the twins in it!!

*GroupChat name: Lets Surprise And Cheer Up Loni And Make Jay Not be Mad At Me Anymore🥺*

CardiacArrest😉 - hey guys
Jdog🖤 - wsp
MacNCheese😝 - hiii
Julianna🥰 - hewoo
Cay🥺 - yoo
Speedboy💨 - hey peeps
Dylpickle🥒 - hello jello
Maddypatty🥳 - hey everyone
Hayhay💞 - wussup
Abug🤍 - hey squaddies
Julianna🥰 - i just wanna know why the twins aren't in- *reads the group chat name* oooooohhhh ok
Speedboy💨 - surprise them how and with what?
CardiacArrest😉 - ok so here's the plan, we just moved into this house today and i made Jayloni get mad at me because of something - which i'm not gonna tell or talk about - but also Jayoni got mad at me for it because of what it was over so to make it up to them i want all of you to come over ... can y'all????
Jdog🖤 - yes i'll bring kenzie
Dylpickle🥒 - yea me and cay can go and get Mads if she wants we where already in the car anyways so perfect timing
Cay🥺 - yea i'm texting and driving, not safe but we are now on our way to Mads house then we'll get Starbucks for everyone. Dylan will text you all when we get to the Starbucks to see what everyone wants!!
MacNCheese😝 - yea me and Jaun just got in the car so we are on our way now!!
Julianna🥰 - ofc i can come ill have my mom drop me off, my dad took my car keys as a punishment for beating up this girl who was talking about the twins but they had it coming bc don't nobody dare ever to talk and me and kenzies besties like that ever!!!!
CardiacArrest😉 - yes bae we see but does everyone have the address?
Speedboy💨 - yes we all have it you gave it to us all as soon as you bought the house but anyways i'm down the street actually! be there in five
MaddyPatty🥳 - Cay and pickle just picked me up we are now on our way to Starbucks
CardiacArrest😉 - ok!
Hayhay💞 - me and Asher can't make it guys
Abug🤍 - we're at the studio, we'll come after ok Car?
CaridiacArrest😉 - that's ok y'all can all stay for the week if y'all want too!!
Maddypatty🥳 - Carson you know we where gonna stay long anyways!
Julianna🥰 - yea babe EVERYBODY packed a lot trust and believe we where gonna stay for long
CardiacArrest😉 - lol ok that's good then!!
Dylpickle🥒- ok so what y'all want?
MacNCheese😝 - all the girls except the twins want ah pink drink
Dylpickle🥒 - ok *tells caden to order 4 pink drinks* boys what do y'all want?
CardiacArresst😉 - i'm pretty sure i can speak for all the boys when i say we all want ah Caramel frap!!
Johnny, and Rush both type yeaaaaa at the same time
Dylpickle🥒 - i bet, and i'm pretty sure Cay would want that too but do y'all want a frappé or a Frappuccino?
Jdog🖤 - what's the difference?
Speedboy💨 - i only know this because i usually by Dylan some Starbucks everday through UberEats, but frappé's have less coffee nd Frappucino's have more coffee
CardiacArrest😉 - ooohhh ok ok ok, now i know why the twins where mad when i got them a frappé and not a Frappuccino when they said they wanted a chocolate frap🤦
Jdog🖤 - ok well give us the frappé
Dylpickle🥒 - kk *tells Caden to order 4 Caramel frappé's*
CardiacArrest😉 - ok now get the twins the S'mores Frappuccino!
Dylpickle🥒 - they got good taste is that like their signature drink that they always get? *tells Caden to get 4 S'mores Frappuccino because Carson wants to get the twins 2 each to try and get them to forgive him*
CardiacArrest😉 - yea but they switch it up sometimes
Julianna🥰 - ok now i know what drink to get them when we order Starbucks
Mackenzie, Madison, and Dylan text yea at the same time
Maddypatty🥳 - Carson everyone's at the door!
MacNCheese😝 - yea so come open the door dude🥺
CardiacArrest😉 - ok ok ok i'm coming

I go downstairs and open the door and get attacked by the Squaddies, well some of them, but oh well let the week begin!

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