Do you..?

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Juvia's POV

"Well then, lets go." -Ghate

"Uhmmm.. please give me a second. I still have to say ask master's permission."

Ghate-kun nodded and left me. I still have to clarify of Gray-sama's feeling either. I have to know If he didn't really like Juvia.

Gray's POV

"I don't..."

"Tell her then." -Erza

"I do... I don't.. arghhhh.. I really don't know actually. Sometimes she pisses me off. But sometimes I like her when she's sweet.
(She's always sweet -_-) erza

I really don't know of what I really feel for her."

Erza, Lucy and Happy stares at me. While Natsu isn't interested in this kind of stuff... i think.. tsk...

This is so embarassing.

"We'll leave you for now." -Erza

"Yeah, rest well Gray. And tomorrow we'll fight." -Natsu

"I got it. Maybe it's a lovesick." -Lucy


A love what?

"Ahaha...Just kidding."

*death glare to Lucy*

"Well, you might realize tonight of what you really feel for her." -Lucy

"Just take a deep breath underwear-man. I know you can do it." -natsu

"Tsss. Just get out already."

I push them as hard as I can and shuts the door. I lay in my bed and try to close my eyes to sleep. But damn I can't.

Damn Lucy. I can't stop thinking of her.

Why did she ended up with that kind of joke? Me? Love-sick? You've gotta be kidding me.

Arghhh.... damn..damn..damn.. Get out of my mind.

Get out of my mind...


"Ehhh? G-Gray-sama?"


What is she doing here? Am I just hallucinating?

"I'm sorry Gray-sama. Juvia enters the room without permission. Juvia knocks at the door but Gray-sama didn't open it so Juvia get in. Gray-sama forgot to lock the door."

"It's okay. What are you doing here?"

"Uhmmm.. I just wanted to ask you something."

"What is it then?"

"Do you...

Like Juvia?"

O-oi why so sudden? I-I mean.. It's not sudden for she admitted that she like me for the nth time already. B-But why now? a dark room... me and her...only..
Wait a minute... It's not like I like her.. O-oii.. don't get the wrong idea Gray.. Damn, what's with this brain of mine? CUT IT OFF ALREADY..

Juvia's POV

"Do you like Juvia?"

Gray-sama's staring at me... Gray-sama's so serious...

What if...

He will confess to Juvia ...that he loves Juvia too??


"O-oi Juvia..."

"Hai..Gray-sama!" O///O



Here it comes... Juvia's excited...

"Let's talk tomorrow..."



So yah!! Why is it so hard to make a story using a  third person convo..but it's challenging though.. -_-

hope you like it guys.. ^__^

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