Release from Thanos

402 14 5

Loki POV

A smile still lingers on my lips, I have a family that know me and want to help me.

I know Y/N and she will have figured out my issues and most likely my bargain with Thanos but not even he can take from my joy.

Thor my idiot brother and a few of his friends with Fury come through the door and i soon realise they are the reason my family left, which sours my mood a little but not completely.

I still can not believe I have childern with Y/N, now I know she is alive and pulling mischief on her own I smirk and look at the other's gathered around my cell.

"What do I owe the pleasure?"

I say this with a smirk and take a little bow.

"Loki, stop with the foolishness now. I will talk to father but give the Tessract to us."

I look at the idiot with a smirk and chuckle shaking my head and walk to my cot bed then sit down promptly ignore him.


I wince at Thor's outdoor voice but do not answer then produce a book and start to read.
I start to rethink my plan because I think of what Y/N said to me and I knew that everything I needed for the portal was in her hands. I smile because she always saw my plans when no one else could, she is my soulmate in every way.

"Loki, why are you doing this really?"

I look up and see  Fury looking at me with his one eye and unflattering eye patch but also seem to be checking the cameras.

"Because you need a firm hand, your people are out of control and will drive Midgard to ruin but also because the Allfather sent the woman I love to die here. The reason I have not destroyed you all instead seek to rule you in her honour!"

I give my signature smirk and then mask my features to hide that I know she is not only alive but has my childern with her.

"Brother, you know Y/N tried to rebel that is why she was banished."

That angers me because it is like my brother has forgotten already so I turn to glare at him.

"She only wanted the truth about not only mine but her heritage to be told and that they had planned to never tell either of us, instead sent her here to die."

Thor paled and of course the oaf forgot, he will always be the Allfather dog.

I turn away and ignore them but I listen to their whispers.

"Fury, do you think the Y/N he is talking about is the one you are trying to recruit?"

"I didn't but now i starting to thinking so"

Thor walks over but they shake their heads and walk away.

I sign and close my eyes then send a message to Y/N to let her know they suspect.

I lay my head back and smile, I will be getting out of here tomorrow then I can go and join my family.

Y/N POV*********

I walk into my office then I feel the familiar warm of Loki in my mind with a smile I receive his message.

He always looking out for me that silly soulmate of mine.

My love for him never wavered and now I need to use Hydra that is hiding in SHIELD to get my love out of his cell but he has a plan, so Y/N sent a mental message with the coordinates to a meet up then with a kiss to help fighting Thanos control.

Once Y/N sits down, she looks at her childern talking quietly by the door with big smiles on there face, she knew they were worried he would reject them but she knew Loki would love them with everything in him, like she did.

After a few minutes they stopped talking and turned to their mother with a smile.

"Tristin looks like father but I have his hair and nose but we both seem to share his magic"

They rambled for a bit which caused Y/N to laugh a bit because they were so happy.

After listening to them for an hour with smile on her face, she decided now would be the best time to talk.

"We need to prepare, have the island ready for our safety, I need you both to do your part and realise those men currently under control but make sure ot wipe any important information from them."

Both looked at their mother and nodded because they wanted their father back to spend time with him before commence the next plan.

"Yes mother."

Y/N smiles at them both before sending them off, she looks out the window and spots a carrier coming from the sky with smirk, she thinks 'Let the show begin'.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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