Sup, I have some good news!

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So I have some good news, I am doing a rewrite of this book! 

*children's cheers from youtube start playing in the background*

There will be some changes to the book. For example, it will only be one book. I'm not doing two books like how this book has a sequel. Secondly, as much as I love the Phantom twins I  won't be including them in the rewrite. I noticed some people didn't want Sam to be pregnant so I am not going to include that. Lastly, my writing style has changed a lot since I wrote this book, so hopefully, it will be better. 

I don't have a specific time on when the rewrite will be available. But I am starting to write it now. If I work at the same pace I am now it might be late January or early February. 

Happy Holidays! Stay safe! 

- Bai

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