new school

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"Your going to a new school kid" schlatt told tubbo blandly.

"Today!?" Tubbo asked excitedly.

"Yeah I already enrolled you." He informed the teen.

Tubbo quickly ran upstairs and packed up all his things.

~k time skip bc I'm fukin lazy~

Tubbo nervously walked into the school building. He was wearing a yellow and black striped shirt with baggy sleves that covered past his hands. And he had on light blue jean overalls with a little bee on the pocket (toottaallyyy not his mcc 11 skin shhh)

When he walks in he gets greeted by a loud hallway. "A normal school?" He asks himself quietly.

"OI!! DICKHEAD!!" he hears someone shout from the other side of the hallway. Tubbo looks up wondering if hes talking to him. But it turns out he wasn't.

"What do you waaannnttt??" He hears an older male call out from behind him.

The one who called that out comes running over. He was wearing a white shirt with red sleeves and had blond hair and braces.

The taller man calmly walked over and handed him his notebook back then looked over at tubbo.

"Hey who are you?" He asked. He had a puffy yellow sweater with dark blue jeans. He has a guitar strapped on his back and curly brown hair topped with a red beanie.

"Oh!" Tubbo shouted. Remembering that other people go to schools. "My name is tub-" he thinks for a minute. 'Schlatt said he wasn't calling me that. Will other people want to?' "U-uhm- toby..." He finishes.

"Is that what you want to be called?" Wilbur asked.

"Yeah!" The younger shouts. "We accept nicknames here. My name is actually thomas but I go by tommy!" 

Tubbo thinks. 'Wow he has as much energy as I did when I was young. Too bad schlatt brought that down to bassically a zero.' Tubbo realized he was still asked a question. "Oh- uhm t-tubbo" he finally says.

"Okay." The taller said. Satisfied with the answer. "Well im wilbur and as you heard, this is tommy."

Tubbo smiled realizing he just made new friends.

"Do you know anyone around here?" Wilbur asked.

Tubbo decided this was his time. "I-i have a brother that lives a-around here" he said.

"Wha-" wilbur started. Only to be cut off by tommy.

"That's so cool!" He shouted. "What's his name?" He asked

"I-i don't remember" tubbo said. Frustrated because he knew when he was younger.

"Alright." Wilbur said. "Well lets get you to your class and-" he thought for a moment "Well I will need to see your schedule first." He chuckled. Tommy also laughed.

Tubbo looked up at wilbur still a bit shy. He knew he was touch starved so he just needed a way to feel something. Like someone somewhat cared for him. He just wanted to hug someone without them hurting him.

He took a few steps forward so he was about right in front of the older boy.

"Thank you" he whispered. He was feeling alkward but he knew he needed this.

He hugged wilburs chest knowing that he couldn't reach any higher because of the age (and therefore hight) difference.

Wilbur looked a bit startled by the sudden movement but then hugged back wich suprised tubbo.

Tubbo pulled away after a bit not knowing how long a normal hug lasts. Wilbur smiled for a but knowing tubbo was gonna be very different from tommy.

Wilbur patted his head. "You give good hugs tubbo." He told him.

Tubbo smiled widely not realizing he was missing three teeth due to abuse.

Tommy stuck out his toung jokingly. "You pulled out some teeth there my friend." He said.

Tubbo's face instintally went red as he got embarresed.

"Leave him alone." Wilbur told tommy. Leaving tubbo to not have to explain himself.

~time skip to lunch bc school is boring~

Tubbo was very excited. It had been two years since he had an actual meal instead of just a pile of stale goldfish.

He looked around the cafeteria to spot his new friends.

Eventually he found them at a table with around ten other people. (Idk I didn't count)

He walked over to them and looked at their table.

Wilbur smiled at him and scooted away from tommy leaving a space in between him and tommy.

"Come sit" he said patting the spot.

Tubbo awkwardly sat in between the two looking to see if there was anyone he recognized.

"Well these are my other friends" wilbur pointed at each one and said their names. "That's nick, clay, george, darryl, zak, alex, and floris."

Tubbo smiled. "I'm tubbo!" He said. Then he thought for a minute. 'Why does the name clay sound so familiar?' Tubbo just brushed it off and sat down.

~time skip haha~

After lunch they all parted ways and finished the rest of their classes.

Now tubbo, tommy, and wilbur were standing at the exit.

"Do you wanna walk home together?" Wilbur asked.

Tubbo was the first to respond. "N-no I'm getting picked up!" He quickly said. And then walked of.

Wilbur and tommy looked at each other confused. Then wilbur started talking "he just started walking home. What the fuck?"

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