Soulmate's Funeral

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Since Sakusa's family lives in Tokyo they decided to have the funeral in Tokyo. Komori's family had to plan the whole funeral. Sakusa helped plan the funeral before he died. Well if he was going to die, he made a list of things that he wants and a list of things he doesn't want. Atsumu was pretty happy to see again well his body and face. He might I look lighter and different but he was still happy. 

"Tsumu wake up" Osamu gently shakes Atsumu's arm

"hmm?" Atsumu slowly wakes up rubbing his red eyes

"Did you cry yourself to sleep again?" Osamu sits next to Atsumu's bed

"Of course not why would you think that?" Atsumu says with an attitude

"Atsumu. You don't have to lie to me. Suna was crying to, he actually admitted it."

"So what. There's nothing that you can do about it."

"Just get dressed we have to get ready for the funeral" Osamu says with a sigh and walks to the other side of the hotel

"so annoying.. " atsumu slowly rolls off his bed and walks to the restroom.

Atsumu gets undressed and turns on the shower. He turns around and looks in the mirror and notice that Osamu was right his eyes are pretty red. He rolled his eyes and got into the shower.


Suna, Atsumu, Osamu, and Kita arrived at the church. The man at the door handed out with masks to everyone who entered. Family and friends (lover) sat in the front two rows. The four of them walked to the casket. Osamu puts his arm behind Atsumu watching his older brother cry over Sakusa's casket. They walk away to the first row. Suna sat next to Tendou and Ushijima and the others sat with them and Itachiyama old volleyball team.

"Are we supposed to wear the masks" Suna questioned Tendou

"I think so it's honor of Sakusa I guess?"

"Oh okay" Suna puts the mask on.

"Have you been sleeping?"

"Not really.. Think about the funeral to much I guess?" Suna sighed

"I know y'all were really close, so I understand how you feel.."

"Really?" Suna looked up to Tendou's direction.

"Yea, Ushijima is the same way as you"

"he's pretty quiet.."

"He doesn't want to talk about it, I've tried but you know"

"Makes since"

*the funeral starts*

At the end of the funeral everyone drives to the graveyard tears fall down from Atsumu's face and rolls down to his neck.. he realizes the grave stone next to Sakusa says "Saiko Sakusa" he put a small grin on his face, knowing that Sakusa wouldn't be alone. everyone watches as they bury Sakusa's casket. Atsumu has never cried like this before he knew that Kiyoomi meant the world to him and he would do anything to see him again, just for a minute or even a few seconds he didn't get the life he wanted he wanted to marry Sakusa adopt kids with him even though he knew he didn't like it that much because of germs ,and he had to clean up after the babies. But he still wanted Sakusa to know that loved him even though he was a germaphobe. But he knew how much he appreciated him. He wanted to tell him how much he really meant to him. I'll see you one day

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