Part 22

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Tomorrow is my 1th year anniversary with p'yin and I want to buy something that make him think about me when he see it😋 so I come to super mall by myself cause prem is busy. I look around the mall and the only thing I like and can afford is Couple mug hahaha. I want to buy something expensive too but I got no money so. P'yin often buy something for me just like this necklace

I noticed that p'yin is wear one too I think it's couple necklaces

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I noticed that p'yin is wear one too I think it's couple necklaces. Since I can't afford any necklace or ring, I'm gonna buy couple mug instead lol.

What do you think about this couple mugs? Will p'yin like this ? I never give him any gift,I only bake some cookies for him and he said he love it

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What do you think about this couple mugs? Will p'yin like this ? I never give him any gift,I only bake some cookies for him and he said he love it. They said if you give mug for your lover every time they're use it, it'll remind about the owner of it , so this is what I buy for us.

I keep walking at the mall just for fun until I get a call from Nong Blue.
War: hello krab.
Blue: hello phi.are you free to talk now?
War: oh yes I do. *war find somewhere at mall to sit and talk more*
War: btw what is it?
Blue: emmm.....I know you won't believe what I said so I want you to see by yourself [.........*silent*] *war look pale and unsettling*

War run from the mall quickly after their call. He find a taxi as soon as possible,he can't clam himself as usual.war got a taxi and show the map for taxi driver.
War finally arrived at an old building, it's kinda old casino which abandoned for a long time but still look good not too old though.
War walk into the building with fear of the truth.

#flashback# *on call with blue*
Blue: emmm.....I know you won't believe what I said, so I want you to see by yourself.p'yin is not a good guy as you think.
War: huh? What do you mean?
Blue: he is.......he is a mafia boss who can kill anyone if he want.
War: how... how did you know? How can I believe you? *war started hard to breathe*
Blue: phi,are you okay ? Your voice doesn't sound good!
War: just answer me....... *war yelled at blue*
Blue: my dad dad also a mafia *his voice started to going down* I know ! I know that you don't believe me what's I said about p'yin,so that's why I want you too see it by yourself.
War: see.....see what? *his voice seem clogged-up*
Blue: I heard my dad's associates talk about p'yin kidnapped his debtor in an old building today.
War: where is it?
Blue: I will sent you the map. Emmm do you want me going with you?
War: no need *war end this called*

War walk while his tear flow down with straight's kinda scary when an innocent person start to angry. There are two cars park near building and no one around there. But war can hear the voice of middle age man keep screaming inside the building.
"Please Master yin , don't kill me.I'll find money to pay you back on time" a middle age man kneeling down and keep begging while crying in front of a man who sit cross his legs,smoking and hold a gun.
War walk slowly and try to not make any sound to get more close , he hide behind a rubbish bin near the crowd.
"You used this word for 2 time" yin lightly touch his face before blow out his of cigarette smoke. "Do you think I'll give you more chance?".
"I'm beg you master*sob*" that man keep bow his head up and down on th ground"
"Stop daydream" yin throw his cigarette into that man'a face
*thud* the sound from war make something on the bin fell down make everyone look at that place.
"Who's there?" Yin glanced.
"Catch him" yin point at the bin area for second.
"Yes boss" the gang members bow and went to the bin area.
War don't know what to do.he's still a bit shocked so he only could run.But how can he win with those gang.
Yin close his eyes to take a nap but a loud sound of throw a person on the ground make him awake.yin peek at the person lying on the ground near his legs with bruises on his face.
Yin stand up as he see the's war, his lover,the one and only person that yin care the most was beat up by his Subordinates.
"Hey war" yin kneeling down to pull war up and thank god that war isn't pass out or else this Subordinates must die today.
"Who did this?" Yin yell at them.
"But boss,you said catch him" the Subordinates bow their head.
"I did say that.but did I told you to beat him?" Yin glare at them.
"He try to run away I have no choice"
"Have no choice? Hahah" *thud* yin punch the guy in face make him fall on the ground.
"How dare you guys touch him" yin point at them.
"My apologize boss"
"Not me.but him" point to war.
"My apologize sir" they're bowing to war.
"......." war didn't say a word.
"Fuck off" yin chase those Subordinates away.
"Let's me bring you home" yin lift war to the car and Jack bring war's backpack to yin's car too.
On the way to war's dorm,yin try to talk with war but war just silent and face the window view instead look straight to the road.
When they're arrived at the dorm,yin try to help war but he refused and take his backpack from yin but failed cause yin want to bring him to room.then war just walk to the dorm without talking a thing.
War open the door, walk to the bed and sit down . Yin close the door and put war's backpack down as he sit down too.Yin try to make excuses to talks with war.
"Oww the backpack seem big and heavy than usual.what is it in?" Yin open the bag and see the mug cover by protecting plastic.
"Wahh,thank god it didn't break" yin look at those mugs carefully.
"Where did you get it?" Yin smile at war but war didn't change his facial expression.war grip one of the mugs and throw it away.
"What's with you?" Yin is frown as he don't like war's action.
"Hey say something"yin stand up.
"Let's breakup" war finally spoke with yin.
"What? That's not what I mean to you to say something. I know you are mad right now." Yin hold war's hand and put on his own cheek.
"I will take my leave.I'll come here can swear me all words tomorrow" yin stand up and ready to leave.
"I'm not joking,I'm serious. Let's not meet each other from now on." War said.
Yin turn to face war as he heard what war said early. "War" yin kneel down. "Please don't breakup.I'm sorry war😭 I didn't mean to hide it with you I just can't find a good term to tell you." Yin know that war angry that he's not an ordinary person.
"When is your good term?🙂 when i die is your good term?" War replied.
"Hey don't talk like this"
"Just get off,I'm tired.I want to sleep" war still hasn't changed his facial expression.
"War but..." yin expect to explain to war but "just f**k off" this is the only words that war talk to yin.
"Oh wait..." war added. "Here your thing" war pull off his necklace and throw on yin "I don't want it anymore" .
Yin just get off the room and put his back on war's door and crying,as war also lay down on the bed crying.

Life lesson
No lie in love
Never lie to your lover, they don't deserve it. Just be honest and open up with each other.
Lie will always bitter at the end, no matter how sweet you are the beginning.
If you couldn't live without them,let's make it up. Find a solution and listen to their explanation.if in the end they still lie to you,you still have time to leave them.I believe that forgiveness is the best thing in a relationship.

The End
I'm expect to see you guys in my another ff soon or later. I still busy due my studying schedule.
Btw if you're disappointed in the ending ,don't worry it's just a novel.
Not everyone have a happy ending.

05 dec 2020

05 dec 2020

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